Sample starter template for basic multiplayer game with unity.
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in Unity
- Open the
scene - Build the project
- Add the
file in the build folder with the App ID of your game (use 480 for Spacewar) - Add game to steam as a non-steam game
- Disable SteamVR non-steam game theater mode in SteamVR settings
- Run the game from steam
- Have friend open game on their computer, also in steam
- Potentially also acquire friend
- Invite friend to game
For demo you can just download the latest release
- Currently must be friends on Steam
- Testing with steam requires second account, but can test with KCP and ParrelSync
- Both must have game launched rn to join eachother
- Only can join through steam friends panel
- Only just stupid simple rolling ball game. No networking. No pickupsBasicMultiplayer
- Basic multiplayer game with lobby hosting through kcpSteamMultiplayer
- Basic multiplayer game with lobby hosting through steamv2.0.0
- Functional VR with SteamVR and Steam Multiplayer