Student of Systems Analysis and Development at FATEC SP - Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo,
I have been fascinated with computing since childhood and currently I have dedicated myself to becoming a better Fullstack Dev.
- Python, Angular and Typescript/Javascript
- C# .NET and Azure
- Git, DevExpress and Nebular
- I love to know new things, work in groups and get new experiences. I want to work around the world, improving my English and meet new cultures, people and have new experiences. 😄
- I like coding interviews questions about Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis because i believe that the basis is key to mastering skills. 💻
- I really appreciate Sci-Fi, like Blade Runner, Foundation, Dune, Cyberpunk, and above all, Solarpunk.
- I love RPG Tabletop like DnD and Call of Cthulhu. 🎲