klystrack-plus v0.7
- FM modulator tremolo and vibrato
- Checkboxes about saving/not saving LFO settings (vibrato, tremolo, PWM) of main instrument and FM modulator (in that case tremolo and vibrato settings)
- save file optimization (instrument save is now optimized: if you unchecked "save LFO settings", filter, FM, buzz, POKEY, SYNC, ring mod and FX checkboxes their parameters are not saved)
- FM frequencies mapping switch (now it is OPL <-> OPN, default is OPL which represents frequencies LUT that was in original klystrack)
- Full backwards compatibility with old songs (now all .kt files should load correctly)
- One imported XM file with corrected envelopes ("Stranglehold" by Jeroen Tel). Located in examples/songs/Imported XMs. Weighs 5 times less than original xm file!
- Started writing "tutorials" in help window's "Authors' comments" section
Known problems:
- FM carrier envelope (which is main instrument envelope) affects modulator volume in additive mode which should not happen.