Come join us for a fun and innovative hackathon exploring the DeepFake technology! Let's build exciting projects together 🎉
1. General Information
2. Themes
3. Resources
4. Schedule
5. Team Formation
6. Submission Process
7. Communication
8. Guidelines
9. Evaluation Criteria
10. Jury
11. Acknowledgements
- Date: Friday, September 13 to Saturday, September 14
- Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Sep 13) to 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Sep 14)
- Those with "Approved" status on Luma: EPFL AI Center Lounge (ELE 117)
- Everyone else: Zoom
LauzHack is hosting a mini-hackathon with two exciting tracks:
Generation (red team)
Detection (blue team)
- Face swap tools:
- Real-time face swap:
- List of generation resources:
- Hugging Face course on Diffusion models:
- (Login required) Short courses from (LangChain, RAG, Vector Databases, etc):
- Actively developing Face Swapping framework to replace DeepFaceLab:
Deepfake datasets:
- The most popular dataset of deepfake videos FaceForensics++
- Another popular dataset of video deepfakes: Celeb-DF v2
- Image detection challenge dataset:
- Speaker verification and spoofing:
- Partially spoofed audio dataset:
- In-the-wild audio deepfakes from politicians and public figures:,
- Audio-Video Multimodal Deepfake Dataset FakeAVCeleb
- Deepfake Detection Challenge Dataset from Facebook DFDC
- Large video dataset of deepfakes by Idiap DF-Mobio]
- Audio-video multimodal deepfake high quality dataset by Idiap SWAN-DF
- List of detection resources:
- For faces, a normal model (EfficientNet, Xception, ResNets) pretrained on faces should work fine for starters.
- For voices, a model for speech segmentation could be a start such this by Pyannote on HuggingFace
- Compute metrics and ROC/DET curves using Scikit-learn
- Metrics for segment-wise evaluations by Pyannote toolite developed for speaker diarization.
Compute / demo:
- You can message
Eric (organizer)
on the LauzHack Discord for an OpenAI key! - Google Colab for GPU compute:
- Getting started with EPFL clusters:
- Gradio for hosting a demo.
Friday, September 13 (on Zoom for those without the Luma registration approval):
- 6:00 PM: Tutorials/Workshops (AI Center Lounge)
- Talks/Tutorials, slides
- Pizza
- Spontaneous tutorials based on people's interests
- 10:00 PM: End of day. You CANNOT stay overnight, but you can continue working remotely.
Saturday, September 14 (only for participants whose Luma registration was approved):
- 10:00 AM: Breakfast (AI Center Lounge)
- Until 3:00 PM: Hack, hack, hack!
- 3:30 PM: Demos (for everyone) then prizes 🏆
😋 We will provide dinner on Friday and (breakfast, lunch) on Saturday.
Up to 4 members per team. Register your team here.
In order to be considered for a prize, all projects should demo/present (3 minutes) on Saturday afternoon.
When submitting your project, in the Additional info step, please select the track that you are doing (Generation or Detection) as in the attached image.
Real-time information about the event, food service details, and questions related to the challenges will be posted in our personal Discord server (#deepfake-sep2024
channel). Please use the link sent to you via Luma (to get access to the private channel for this event).
General Guidelines are provided by the LauzHack rules, though if you choose to be part of a red team, the following additional guidelines apply.
As deep fakes are a sensitive topic, and this hackathon explores both blue team (defensive) and red team (offensive) approaches, special rules apply. The following rule applies to everyone in attendance: Consider this a private event. Do not record any deep fakes created during the hackathon. If you have any question regarding this rule, ask the organizers first. This is very important as you might be liable for any harm caused by your actions.
The following additional rules apply to the Red team:
Our goal is not to limit your creativity - on the contrary, we encourage you to push the boundaries and show us what’s possible! However, it’s important that your well-intentioned work does not inadvertently cause harm.
- As a principle, do not create deep fakes of real people
- For public figures (famous people for which there is a lot of content online), you are allowed to create deep fakes in the scope of this event - see additional rules below
- Every deep fake you create must be very clearly labeled as such
- Refrain from producing deeply offensive content
- No sharing or publishing of generated content or code outside the event without review
- If in doubt: please regularly check-in with organizers to ensure adherence to guidelines
Only work done during hackathon will be considered (and should be made explicit) for the project evaluation.
Criteria | Allocated points |
1. Technical Impressiveness | 6 |
1.1. How impressive is the project from a technical perspective? | 3 |
1.2. How reasonable the technical and programming solutions are, given the limited timeframe of a hackathon? | 3 |
2. Idea | 6 |
2.1. How innovative, original and unexpected the project is? | 3 |
2.2. How usable the idea is for the real-world target population to which the project is aimed? hackathon? | 3 |
3. Prototype | 8 |
3.1. Does the prototype work as advertised by the team, and as expected for a one-day project? | 4 |
3.2. Does the prototype provide a good user experience and usability? | 4 |
4. Presentation | 4 |
5. Integrity Check | |
TOTAL | 24 |
![]() Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk |
![]() Prof. Pascal Frossard |
![]() Prof. Marcel Salathé |
![]() Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi |
![]() Dr. Daniel Dobos |
![]() Mr. Jean-Michel Chardon |
A BIG thank you to the EPFL AI Center for co-hosting and co-organizing this event, and to Swisscom and Logitech for sponsoring this event!
![]() Logitech |
![]() Swisscom |
Thank you also to the labs of Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi, Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk, Prof. Sébastien Marcel for providing/proposing content.