Clean up configs #829
on: pull_request
2 errors and 4 warnings
Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
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message: 'Validation Failed',
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resource: 'Release',
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body: '{"body":"## What’s Changed\\n\\n* Do integration test cleanup (#337) @litt3\\n* test(fuzz): fix fuzz tests (#339) @samlaf\\n* fix: Enforce V1 cert field sizes (#338) @ethenotethan\\n* chore: Update to latest core version, to include cert verifier address provider (#333) @litt3\\n* docs: add godoc testable examples for the standard client (#336) @samlaf\\n* docs: cleanup readme by separating users from contributors (#330) @samlaf\\n* chore: add linter to enforce max line lengths of 100 (#331) @samlaf\\n* docs: add readme link to v2 integration spec (#329) @samlaf\\n* chore: better errors and docs for batch-hash-mismatch error (#322) @samlaf\\n* feat!: add eigenda v2 support (#321) @litt3\\n* ci: separate holesky-test into its own job (#325) @samlaf\\n* test: fix failing e2e-local safety check (#323) @samlaf\\n* fix: E2E holesky tests (#299) @ethenotethan\\n* chore: fix readme with correct cast cmd (#314) @shrimalmadhur\\n","draft":true,"prerelease":false,"make_latest":"true","name":"v1.7.0","target_commitish":"refs/pull/340/merge"}',
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HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:7146:21
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:61885:18)
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