General discussion and feedback.

by Lewdiculous - opened

Feedback is always welcome for potential issues with quants and as a way to help authors improve on the next iteration, your comments are appreciated!

Lewdiculous pinned discussion

hey, im a newbie to LLM's, whats the difference between Captain-Eris-Diogenes_Twilight, Captain-Eris_Twighlight and Captain-Eris_Violet? Currently using Violet and it seems to work great, but intersted in those two models too

For specifics of each iteration maybe once @Nitral-AI as the author achieves his goals he'll explain more when relevant.

But basically each is an iteration (hopefully for the better but regressions might happen during experimentation), built on top of the previous version.

You can see the merge details at the original model pages for example:

Granted it probably won't make much sense sometimes or really explain the goals, but it's a hint of where that version came from/is going.

And if Violet has been pretty good so far and you don't want to risk breaking ongoing roleplays yet you might want to hold off a little bit and sticking with it is fine.

Got it, thanks!

Great model. Is there any advice to get it to not go on forever until it hits context limit each reply?

@Morktastic I believe it shouldn't be happening with the correct preset format.

It's ChatML. Recommended one to work from.

Or Nera_Noctis, same format.

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