This webpage is an assignment of web development course. The objective is to build the basic architecture of a three-tiered web app.
Technologies used for this project:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
Before you can start using this project, you must ensure that you have MySQL installed and that you are logged in to a MySQL account. Then, you can follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- In the terminal, navigate to the project folder and run "npm install express"
- Run "node assignment6" to start the server
- Open your web browser and go to "localhost:8000" to access the project
While browsing the webpage, you can click the "Show Reviews" button to send a request to the server. The server will then retrieve the relevant data, which are generated and stored in the MySQL database and send them back to the browser through AJAX.
The webpage is designed to work with two resolutions, one of which is depicted in the following picture(with data displayed):