This repository has been created for the project of the course "Programmation" with Prof. Ronan Boulic in BA2.
Due to a predicted rise in sea level, a city-state on the edge of the ocean decides to transform itself into a floating city. We have developed a tool to evaluate a city plan in which each district is a circular island and the districts are linked by floating bridges. Certain efficiency criteria are systematically evaluated.
- Types of districts:
- Housing (empty circle)
- Transport (circle with lines)
- Production (circle with rectangle)
- Criteria:
- Night-Day balance (ENJ): difference in capacity between all districts dedicated to rest (Housing) on the one hand, and all districts dedicated to daytime activity (Transport/Production) on the other.
- Infrastructure cost (CI): cost of the infrastructure represented by all the connections.
- Best Access Time (MTA): calculated for all housing nodes. For each the sum of the best access time to a Transport node and the best access time to a Production to a Production node.
- Shortest Path:
A variant of Dijkstra's algorithm has been implemented to find the optimal path (shown in green) between a housing node and a transport node, as well as a production node.