Bookshelf API allows you to hook into the Bookshelf Plugin to access quality of life managers that you can integrate into your plugin.
The Bookshelf API also provides utility classes that you can use such as:
- Creating Custom Menus
- Utility Classes
- ArrayUtil
- ByteUtil
- EnumUtil
- LocationUtil
- MiniMessageUtil
- Kyori Adventure Utility
- Centering Messages
- Converting MiniMessage to Components
- Persisting Component Styles
- PackUtil
- StringUtil
- WorldUtil
- Cooldown Manager
- Events
- Creating Custom Config Files
- Task Schedulers
- Modrinth Version Updater
- Fetching Players with Mojang API
- Another CommandAPI Builder
- Installing the Bookshelf API
- What's in the Bookshelf API
- Using the Bookshelf API
- Contributing to the Bookshelf API
- Bookshelf API's License
- Donating to help support the Bookshelf API
Bookshelf among other various plugins I have worked on are free to use! Please consider donating to my ko-fi! It helps fund other projects that I am passionate about.
Below shows you how to install Bookshelf API into your project.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Lodestones:Bookshelf:VERSION'
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add the dependency
Hooking into the Bookshelf API.
import to.lodestone.bookshelfapi.BookshelfAPI;
import to.lodestone.bookshelfapi.IBookshelfAPI;
public class MainPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
public IBookshelfAPI bookshelf() { // use this method to access the Bookshelf API.
return BookshelfAPI.getApi(); // Retrieve the Bookshelf API instance.
See something Bookshelf doesn't support, a bug or something that may be useful? We welcome contributions to improve the Bookshelf API. Open an issue here.
Bookshelf is ARR. Please view the license here.