Releases: Luligu/matterbridge-shelly
Release 2.0.5
[2.0.5] - 2025-03-19
- [config] Added action: manually add a device with IP address. It allows to add the devices that are not discovered on the network with the mdns.
- [config] Added action: remove a device from the storage with its device id. It allows to remove from the storage a single device when it has been removed from the network.
- [config] Added action: scan network. It will send a mdns request on the network.
- [mdns] Added a fully automatic IP change detection when the device is discovered on a different IP (no need to restart).
- [shelly] Verified AZ Plug Gen3.
- [shelly] Verified PlugSG3 Matter Gen3.
- [BLU]: Verified new BLU firmware 1.0.22 on all BLU devices.
- [TRV]: Verified new BLU TRV firmware 1.2.1.
- [fetch]: Removed node-fetch package and use the global fetch.
- [config] Removed enableConfigDiscover and deviceIp. Replaced by a config action (manually add a device with IP address).
- [package]: Updated package.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.2.5.
Release 2.0.4
[2.0.4] - 2025-03-13
- [MdnsScanner]: Refactor Jest test to include all gen 1, 2, 3 and 4 devices mdns responses (gen 4 are still not supported and blocked).
- [CoapServer]: CoapServer v. 2.0.0.
- [WsServer]: WsServer v. 1.3.1.
- [WsClient]: WsClient v. 2.0.2.
- [Shelly]: Shelly v. 2.2.0.
- [ShellyDevice]: ShellyDevice v. 3.1.0
- [shelly]: Refactor fetchInterval logic to reduce cpu load and network traffic on the board in the first 5 minutes from start.
- [shelly]: Added check of ws component configuration for gen 2+ battery powered device (i.e. shellyhtg3).
- [shelly]: Optimized state updates for gen 1 and gen 2+ devices.
- [CoapServer]: Removed log of error message for shellymotionsensor and shellymotion2 that don't answer to the /cit/s and /cit/d CoIoT requests.
- [package]: Updated package.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.2.4.
- [platform]: Fixed initial values of battery component.
Release 2.0.3
Release 2.0.2
Release 2.0.1
[2.0.1] - 2025-03-02
- [blugateway]: The BLU gateways can now be disabled (with whiteList or blackList). The paired BLU devices are exposed even if the gateway is disabled.
- [mDns]: The MdnsScanner doesn't stop anymore after 10 minutes. Once all the devices have been discovered, it is possible to disable it in the config to reduce the network traffic.
- [platform]: Refactor select devices and entities for the select in the frontend.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.2.1.

Release 2.0.0
Breaking Changes
Since the plugin config got very complex and also confusing, from this release same options have been removed or simplified:
Removed options:
exposeSwitch: the default is outlet (matter compliant). You can expose a device like a switch adding it it to the switchList or like a light adding it it to the lightList.
outletList: since the default is now outlet, outletList has been removed.
exposeInput: inputs are now disabled by default. You can still expose them adding the device to inputContactList, inputMomentaryList or inputLatchingList.
exposeInputEvent: inputs events are now disabled by default. You can expose them adding the device to inputMomentaryList.
inputEventList: use inputMomentaryList instead.
exposePowerMeter: electrical sensors are enabled by default on existing setups. You can disable them globally or on a per-device basis adding "PowerMeter" to entityBlackList or deviceEntityBlackList, see documentation.. On new setups the "PowerMeter" components are already globally disabled by default.
New setups:
- these components are blacklisted (with entityBlackList) by default: "PowerMeter", "Lux", "Illuminance", "Vibration", "Button". This allows to create simplified devices for the controllers that don't manage correctly composed devices (i.e. Alexa and SmartThings).
- all switches are exposed like outlet (matter compliant).
- shellyplusi4, shellyi4g3, shellyix3 and shellybutton1 are automatically added to inputMomentaryList when discovered.
- expertMode is disabled. This makes the config showing only username, password and blackList.
Expert mode:
The expertMode option has been added to show an advanced or simplified config.
[2.0.0] - 2025-02-27
- [platform]: Optimized memory and memory release.
- [shelly]: Optimized memory and memory release.
- [shelly]: Added online offline status on matter.
- [BLU]: Verified firmware 1.0.21.
- [TRV]: Verified firmware 1.2.0.
- [WIFI]: Verified firmware 1.5.0.
- [package]: Updated package.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.2.0.
- [platform]: Removed coiot component from Select.
- [select]: Fix bthomesensor_event with select Button.

Release 1.1.6
[1.1.6] - 2025-02-11
- [wsClient]: Optimized wsClient Jest test.
- [wsClient]: Optimized memory moving the PowerSource cluster to the main endpoint. The controller can see the devices as new.
- [package]: Updated package.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.1.5.

Release 1.1.5
[1.1.5] - 2025-02-02
- [package]: Optimized imports.
- [wsClient]: Optimized wsClient and Jest tests.
- [package]: Updated package.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [plugin]: Requires Matterbridge 2.1.0.
- [switch]: Update triggerSwitch logic for edge.
- [shellywalldisplay]: Fix NotifyEvent for "user_1".

Release 1.1.4
[1.1.4] - 2025-01-20
- [platform]: Refactor onStart to await device creation to address some cases where the controller reset the configuration on slow host.
- [selectDevice]: Added selectDevice to deviceIp to get the components names from a list in the config editor.
- [em1data]: Added update for total_act_energy in onConfigure.
- [package]: Requires matterbridge 1.7.3.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.
- [em1data]: Fixed typo em1data.

Release 1.1.3
[1.1.3] - 2025-01-11
- [selectDevice]: Added selectEntity to get the components names from a list in the config editor.
- [selectDevice]: Added the possibility to exclude PowerSource.
- [schema]: Configured all lists to not have duplicates.
- [package]: Requires matterbridge 1.7.2.
- [package]: Updated dependencies.