First release.
- Add a callback function
in received.h. Currently, the callback function is only called upon each update of the robot data, with the instruction type being0x0906
(std::function<void(int)> CallBack_
=0x0906). - The data printed in main.cpp has been changed from the original joint torque to imu angular acceleration.
- Download Lite3_MotionSDK and unzip.
Users can connect to the motion host remotely via SSH.
Connect the development host to the robot's WiFi.
Open the SSH connection software on the development host and enter
ssh [email protected]
, with the passwordfirefly
, to connect to the motion host remotely. -
Enter the following code to open the network config file:
cd /home/firefly/jy_exe/conf/ vim network.toml
The config file network.toml reads as follows:
ip = '' target_port = 43897 local_port = 43893 ~
Modify the IP address in the first line of the config file so that MotionSDK can receive motion data from the robot.
- If MotionSDK runs on the motion host of robot, please reset the IP address to
; - If MotionSDK runs on your development host, please reset it to the static IP address of your development host:
- If MotionSDK runs on the motion host of robot, please reset the IP address to
Restart the motion program for these changes to take effect:
cd /home/firefly/jy_exe sudo ./ sudo ./
Users can navigate to the directory that contains CMakeLists.txt and create a build directory.
cd xxxxxxxx # cd <path to where you want to create build directory> mkdir build
Caution: Users can create build directory in any location, and make sure that when compiling, the path provided to
is the path to where CMakeLists.txt is. -
Navigate to the build directory and then compile.
Compile for x86 hosts:
cd build cmake .. -DBUILD_PLATFORM=x86 # cmake <path to where the CMakeLists.txt is> make -j
Compile for ARM hosts:
cd build cmake .. -DBUILD_PLATFORM=arm # cmake <path to where the CMakeLists.txt is> make -j
After compilation, an executable file named Lite_motion is generated in the build directory.
Enter the following codes in Terminal to run the program:
This section explains main.cpp.
Timer, used to set the algorithm period and obtain the current time:
DRTimer set_timer;
set_timer.TimeInit(int); ///< Timer initialization, input: cycle; unit: ms
set_timer.GetCurrentTime(); ///< Obtain time for algorithm
set_timer.TimerInterrupt() ///< Timer interrupt flag
set_timer.GetIntervalTime(double); ///< Get the current time
After binding the IP and port of the robot, SDK will acquire control right and can send the joint control commands:
Sender* send_cmd = new Sender("",43893); ///< Create a sender thread
send_cmd->RobotStateInit(); ///< Reset all joints to zero and gain control right
send_cmd->SetSend(RobotCmd); ///< Send joint control command
send_cmd->ControlGet(int); ///< Return the control right
SDK receives the joint data from the robot:
Receiver* robot_data_recv = new Receiver(); ///< Create a thread for receiving and parsing
robot_data_recv->GetState(); ///< Receive data from 12 joints
robot_data_recv->RegisterCallBack(CallBack); ///< Registering Callbacks
The data SDK received will be saved into robot_data
RobotData *robot_data = &robot_data_recv->GetState(); ///< Saving joint data to the robot_data
///< Left front leg:fl_leg[3], the sequence is FL_HipX, FL_HipY, FL_Knee
///< Right front leg:fr_leg[3], the sequence is FR_HipX, FR_HipY, FR_Knee
///< Left hind leg:hl_leg[3], the sequence is HL_HipX, HL_HipY, HL_Knee
///< Right hind leg:hr_leg[3], the sequence is HR_HipX, HR_HipY, HR_Knee
///< All joints:leg_force[12]/joint_data[12], the sequence is FL_HipX, FL_HipY, FL_Knee, FR_HipX, FR_HipY, FR_Knee, HL_HipX, HL_HipY, HL_Knee, HR_HipX, HR_HipY, HR_Knee
robot_data->contact_force.fl_leg[] ///< Contact force on left front foot in X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
robot_data->contact_force.fr_leg[] ///< Contact force on right front foot in X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
robot_data->contact_force.hl_leg[] ///< Contact force on left hind foot in X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
robot_data->contact_force.hr_leg[] ///< Contact force on right hind foot in X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis
robot_data->contact_force.leg_force[] ///< Contact force on all feet
robot_data->tick ///< Cycle of operation
robot_data->imu ///< IMU data
robot_data->imu.acc_x ///< Acceleration on X-axis
robot_data->imu.acc_y ///< Acceleration on Y-axis
robot_data->imu.acc_z ///< Acceleration on Z-axis
robot_data->imu.angle_pitch ///< Pitch angle
robot_data->imu.angle_roll ///< Roll angle
robot_data->imu.angle_yaw ///< Yaw angle
robot_data->imu.angular_velocity_pitch ///< Pitch angular velocity
robot_data->imu.angular_velocity_roll ///< Roll angular velocity
robot_data->imu.angular_velocity_yaw ///< Yaw angular velocity
robot_data->imu.buffer_byte ///< Buffer data
robot_data->imu.buffer_float ///< Buffer data
robot_data->imu.timestamp ///< Time when the data is obtained
robot_data->joint_data ///< Motor status
robot_data->joint_data.fl_leg[].position ///< Motor position of left front leg
robot_data->joint_data.fl_leg[].temperature ///< Motor temperature of left front leg
robot_data->joint_data.fl_leg[].torque ///< Motor torque of left front leg
robot_data->joint_data.fl_leg[].velocity ///< Motor velocity of left front leg
robot_data->joint_data.joint_data ///< All joint data
Robot joint control command:
RobotCmd robot_joint_cmd; ///< Target data of each joint
///< Left front leg:fl_leg[3], the sequence is FL_HipX, FL_HipY, FL_Knee
///< Right front leg:fr_leg[3], the sequence is FR_HipX, FR_HipY, FR_Knee
///< Left hind leg:hl_leg[3], the sequence is HL_HipX, HL_HipY, HL_Knee
///< Right hind leg:hr_leg[3], the sequence is HR_HipX, HR_HipY, HR_Knee
///< All joints:leg_force[12]/joint_data[12], the sequence is FL_HipX, FL_HipY, FL_Knee, FR_HipX, FR_HipY, FR_Knee, HL_HipX, HL_HipY, HL_Knee, HR_HipX, HR_HipY, HR_Knee
robot_joint_cmd.fl_leg[]->kd; ///< Kd of left front leg
robot_joint_cmd.fl_leg[]->kp; ///< Kp of left front leg
robot_joint_cmd.fl_leg[]->position; ///< Position of left front leg
robot_joint_cmd.fl_leg[]->torque; ///< Torue of left front leg
robot_joint_cmd.fl_leg[]->velocity; ///< Velocity of left front leg
A simple demo that can make the robot stand:
- Draw the robot's legs in and prepare to stand;
- Record the current time and joint data;
- The robot stands up.
MotionExample robot_set_up_demo; ///< Demo for testing
/// @brief Spend 1 sec drawing the robot's legs in and preparing to stand
/// @param cmd Send control command
/// @param time Current timestamp
/// @param data_state Real-time status data of robot
/// @brief Only the current time and angle are recorded
/// @param data Current joint data
/// @param time Current timestamp
/// @brief Spend 1.5 secs standing up
/// @param cmd Send control command
/// @param time Current timestamp
/// @param data_state Real-time status data of robot