This one will transpile to various targets (BASH, PowerShell etc.)
var my_variable = 512
fn awesome(name: String): String {
$echo "Hello #{name}!"
$echo hello world
return $echo this gets returned to the function explicitly
$echo "return value: #{awesome("Rust")}"
fn add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
a + b # implicit return
for i in 0..=5 {
// prints '1 + 2 = 3', '2 + 3 = 4'...
$echo "#{i} + #{i + 1} = #{add(i, i + 1)}
$read(-p "login: ") // sets the $REPLY variable
var input = REPLY // shell variables are treated like normal variables
var msg = match input {
"Admin" => "Access granted."
* => "Denied."
$echo #{msg} // templating