This folder structure should act as a simple starting point for your next python project.
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ ├── docs.yaml
│ ├── pre-commit.yaml
│ ├── release.yaml
│ └── test.yaml
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml
├── src
│ └── minimal_python_project_skeleton
│ └──
└── test
6 directories, 14 files
It contains just the minimum to get you started with a ready configured GitHub actions for automated linting, testing, documenting and releasing on PiPy.
Use this template directly to create a new GitHub repository or just clone the repository to your desired destination and start working on your new project.
I have marked all the relevant parts that you might want to adjust.
.github/workflows/release.yaml: url: # TODO: Replace with your PyPI project name
.github/workflows/release.yaml: url: # TODO: Replace with your TestPyPI project name
pyproject.toml:dependencies = [] # TODO: Add dependencies
pyproject.toml:license = {text = "MIT"} # TODO: Choose license
pyproject.toml:name = "minimal_python_project_skeleton" # TODO: Change package name
pyproject.toml: 'minimal_python_project_skeleton[test]', # TODO: Change package name
pyproject.toml:Changelog = "" # TODO: Change project repo
pyproject.toml:Documentation = "" # TODO: Change project repo
pyproject.toml:Issues = "" # TODO: Change project repo
pyproject.toml:Repository = "" # TODO: Change project repo
Pro-Tipp: If you later want to update the template, keep a separate branch (i.e. skeleton
) around and cherry-pick
the changes you would like to keep for future projects.
This way you can also pull the latest version from upstream and checkout
the new files you would like to use in your project.
This package is available on PyPI. You install it using pip:
pip install minimal_python_project_skeleton
Any Contributions are greatly appreciated! If you have a question, an issue or would like to contribute, please read our contributing guidelines.
Distributed under the MIT License
Marcel Arpogaus - [email protected] (encrypted with ROT13)
Project Link:
- README inspired by othneildrew/Best-README-Template
- Contribution guidelines inspired by probabilists/zuko
- Release workflow inspired by