This app is a demo that showcases how quickly and easily an app can be built on Bluemix using the Personality Insights service from IBM Watson and the Box Service.
When you visit the app it will ask you to login in with your account. Once you login the app will retrieve all the .txt
files from your Box account. You can then click on each file in your account to let IBM Watson analyze the personality of the author of each of your files.
- Sign up for a Bluemix account
- Create an app at
- Create a Watson Personality Inights Service in Bluemix
- Create a Box Service in Bluemix
cf push <appname> --no-start
to publish the application- Bind the services to the app
cf bind-service <appname> <nameOfWatsonService>
cf bind-service <appname> <nameOfBoxService>
cf start <appname>
to start the application
Demo app:
- Login with your username and password
Jeff Sloyer [email protected]
Jake Peyser [email protected]
Apache 2.0. See LICENSE.txt