Vipip SDK for PHP
It is recommended that you install the Vipip SDK library through composer. To do so, add the following lines to your composer.json
"require": {
"ferrumfist/vipip_sdk": "~0.1"
At the beginning of the library must be initialized by calling the init method
VipIP::init(<access_token>[, $config]);
The following options can be passed as a configuration:
'cache' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'config' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => '6379'
More information about the cache options, click here
SDK is divided into modules. You get the module to perform API requests
$user = VipIP::module('user');
getBalance - getting user`s balance
getDiscount - getting user`s discount
Services it is a group of modules which includes Link, Task, Social
create - creating services
$link = VipIP::module('link')->create("My first link", "");
getList, getOne- getting list of/one service(s)
$links = VipIP::module('link')->getList([43,648,474]);
$link = VipIP::module('link')->getOne(45);
After creating/getting the service you have the object of service. To use a service, use the following methods:
save - saving attributes of service
'title' => 'new titile',
'url' => ''
changeBalance - changing service balance
changeStatus - changing service status example
if( !$link->changeBalance(3, \Vipip\Service\Service::BALANCE_TYPE_DAYS) ){
echo $link->getLastError();
The next group of methods gets / sets the objects for the service settings
getTariff - getting tariff
setTariff - setting tariff
getInputReferer - getting inputpoints and referers
setInputReferer - Setting inputpoints and referers
getGeo - getting geography settings
setGeo - setting geography settings
getCalendar - getting calendar settings
setCalendar - setting calendar settings