This project was initially deployed in heroku to showcase the ability to design and implement a full-stack web application using the MERN stack. It is currently not active, as the main goal was to demonstrate the acquisition of web development skills and concepts. The website served as a valuable learning tool and portfolio piece, demonstrating the application of CRUD operations, database interactions, and user interface design.
This project is a simple sales management website designed to streamline the sales process for various types of products. It features comprehensive CRUD functionalities for managing products, clients, and sellers, alongside facilitating an easy purchase process. Built using the MERN stack, this full-stack project served as a practical demonstration of modern web development concepts, including database management, server-side scripting, and front-end development.
- Product Management: Add, view, edit, and delete products, including product details like name, price, and description.
- Client Management: Manage client information with the ability to add new clients, view client details, edit information, and remove clients from the system.
- Seller Management: Similar to client management, but focused on those selling the products. Includes tracking of sales performance.
- Simplified Purchase Process: An intuitive interface for making purchases, including a shopping cart and checkout functionality.
- Responsive Design: Ensures a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database used to store application data.
- Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js, used to build the server-side portion of the application.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, used for the client-side development.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code server-side, powering the backend of the application.
This project was built in collaboration with
- Mateo Cardona Rincón
- Diego Marin Jaramillo
- Luis Armando Bedoya Osorio
- Kevin Sebastian Barrera