This is a prototype of a webapp intended to manage a Crypto Investment Cooperative. The idea is to grant access to crypto investment to young and elder alike that are not familiar with computer science. Thus making bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies more available to people that does no have the knowledge (or time to obtain it) or maybe having the knowledge don't want to spend time managing their funds.
The aim of this app is to manage all information relative to the above mentioned project, but no cryptocurrecy address or exchange interaction, just managment data.
DISCLAIMER: This is just a prototype for educational porpuses only, no production code included. Use at your own risk
v. 0.1.1 As of now just the basic frame is built. The app accepts adding new users and new entries, saves the data to a database (json file right now) and displays totals and percentages (shares) on a donought graph.
In order to run the protoype just type following commands:
git clone
cd cryptoApp
npm install
npm start