The Jasny PHP coding standard follows the PSR-2 coding standard with a few additions.
All PHP projects of Legal Things should include this package. It can be installed through composer.
composer require --dev jasny/php-code-quality
PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP. The unit tests should be in the tests
Copy the PHPUnit configuration into the projects root folder
cp vendor/jasny/php-code-quality/phpunit.xml.dist .
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system.
phpcs tokenises PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. This package comes with a custom ruleset which embodies the Jasny PHP coding standard.
vendor/bin/phpcs . --standard=vendor/jasny/php-code-quality --ignore=/vendor/,/tests/
CodeSniffer is able to fix simple issues automatically
vendor/bin/phpcbf . --standard=vendor/jasny/php-code-quality --ignore=/vendor/,/tests/
Codeception is a BDD style testing frameworks for PHP. It can be used for unit, functional and integration tests.
The [Codeception module for Jasny MVC] allows you to run tests for applications that use Jasny MVC.
Codeception isn't installed by default. It can be installed through composer.
composer require --dev codeception/codeception jasny/codeception-module
Travis CI will run all tests on each pull-request and push to the master branch.
Copy the Travis CI configuration file from the php-code-quality directory.
cp vendor/jasny/php-code-quality/travis.yml.dist .travis.yml
This service is only used for open-source projects.
Scrutinizer tests code quality.
Scrutizer is also used for building and running tests for Jasny's closed source projects.
SensioLabsInsight gives automatic and unique advise for increasing code quality.
This service is only used for open-source projects.