This is a Yocto build layer(version:dunfell) that provides support for the RZ/G2 Group of 64bit Arm-based MPUs and RZ/Five 64bit RISC-V based MPU from Renesas Electronics. Currently the following boards and MPUs are supported:
- Board: EK874 / MPU: R8A774C0 (RZ/G2E)
- Board: HIHOPE-RZG2M / MPU: R8A774A1 (RZ/G2M v1.3) and R8A774A3 (RZ/G2M v3.0)
- Board: HIHOPE-RZG2N / MPU: R8A774B1 (RZG2N)
- Board: HIHOPE-RZG2H / MPU: R8A774E1 (RZG2H)
- Board: RZG2L SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044L (RZ/G2L)
- Board: RZG2L Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044L (RZ/G2L)
- Board: RZG2LC SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044C (RZ/G2LC)
- Board: RZG2LC Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044C (RZ/G2L)
- Board: RZG2UL SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043U (RZ/G2UL)
- Board: RZG2UL Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043U (RZ/G2UL)
- Board: RZV2L SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G054L (RZ/V2L)
- Board: RZV2L Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G054L (RZ/V2L)
- Board: RZFive SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043F (RZ/Five)
- Board: RZFive SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043F (RZ/Five)
To contribute to this layer you should email patches to [email protected]. Please send .patch files as email attachments, not embedded in the email body.
This layer depends on:
URI: git://
layers: meta, meta-poky, meta-yocto-bsp
branch: dunfell
revision: 1e298a42223dd2628288b372caf66c52506a8081
(tag: dunfell-23.0.17)
URI: git://
layers: meta-oe, meta-python, meta-multimedia
branch: dunfell
revision: deee226017877d51188e0a46f9e6b93c10ffbb34
layers: meta-gplv2
branch: dunfell
revision: 60b251c25ba87e946a0ca4cdc8d17b1cb09292ac
(Optional: core-image-qt)
layers: meta-qt5
revision: c1b0c9f546289b1592d7a895640de103723a0305
(Optional: Docker)
layers: meta-virtualization
branch: dunfell
revision: a63a54df3170fed387f810f23cdc2f483ad587df
Assume that $WORK is the current working directory. The following instructions require a Poky installation (or equivalent).
Below git configuration is required:
$ git config --global "[email protected]"
$ git config --global "Your Name"
Download proprietary graphics and multimedia drivers from Renesas. To download Multimedia and Graphics library and related Linux drivers, please use the following link:
Please choose correct packages that matches with your MPU. Graphic drivers are required for Wayland. Multimedia drivers are optional. After downloading the proprietary package, please decompress them then put meta-rz-features folder at $WORK.
You can get all Yocto build environment from Renesas, or download all Yocto related public source to prepare the build environment as below.
$ git clone
$ cd poky
$ git checkout dunfell-23.0.17
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd meta-openembedded
$ git checkout deee226017877d51188e0a46f9e6b93c10ffbb34
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd meta-gplv2
$ git checkout 60b251c25ba87e946a0ca4cdc8d17b1cb09292ac
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd meta-renesas
$ git checkout <tag>
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd meta-qt5
$ git checkout -b tmp c1b0c9f546289b1592d7a895640de103723a0305
$ cd ..
$ git clone -b dunfell
$ cd meta-virtualization
$ git checkout a63a54df3170fed387f810f23cdc2f483ad587df
$ cd ..
<tag> can be selected in any tags of meta-renesas. Now the latest version is BSP-3.0.x or BSP-3.0.x-updatey if any new updates are applied.
Initialize a build using the 'oe-init-build-env' script in Poky. e.g.:
$ source poky/oe-init-build-env
Prepare default configuration files. :
$ cp $WORK/meta-renesas/docs/template/conf/<board>/*.conf ./conf/
<board>: can be selected in any platforms:
- RZ/G2H: hihope-rzg2h
- RZ/G2M: hihope-rzg2m
- RZ/G2N: hihope-rzg2n
- RZ/G2E: ek874
- RZ/G2L: smarc-rzg2l, rzg2l-dev
- RZ/G2LC: smarc-rzg2lc, rzg2lc-dev
- RZ/G2UL: smarc-rzg2ul, rzg2ul-dev
- RZ/V2L: smarc-rzv2l, rzv2l-dev
- RZ/Five: smarc-rzfive, rzfive-dev
Build the target file system image using bitbake:
$ bitbake core-image-<target>
- RZ/Five: bsp
- Others: bsp, weston, qt
After completing the images for the target machine will be available in the output directory 'tmp/deploy/images/<supported board name>'.
Images generated:
- Image (generic Linux Kernel binary image file)
- DTB for target machine
- core-image-<target>-<machine name>.tar.bz2 (rootfs tar+bzip2)
- core-image-<target>-<machine name>.ext4 (rootfs ext4 format)
Use bitbake -c populate_sdk for generating the toolchain SDK: For 64-bit target SDK (aarch64):
$ bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk
The SDK can be found in the output directory 'tmp/deploy/sdk'
Usage of toolchain SDK: Install the SDK to the default: /opt/poky/x.x For 64-bit target SDK:
$ sh
For 64-bit application use environment script in /opt/poky/x.x
$ source /opt/poky/x.x/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
It is possible to change some build configs as below:
- GPLv3: choose to not allow, or allow, GPLv3 packages
- Non-GPLv3 (default): not allow GPLv3 license. All recipes that has GPLv3 license will be downgrade to older version that has alternative license (done by meta-gplv2). In this setting customer can ignore the risk of strict license GPLv3
- Allow-GPLv3: allow GPLv3 license. If user is fine with strict copy-left license GPLv3, can use this setting to get newer software version.
- CIP Core: choose the version of CIP Core to build with. CIP Core are software packages that are maintained for long term by CIP community. You can select by changing "CIP_MODE".
- Buster (default): use as many packages from CIP Core Buster as possible.
CIP_MODE = "Buster"
- Bullseye: use as many packages from CIP Core Bullseye.
CIP_MODE = "Bullseye"
- None CIP Core: not use CIP Core at all, use all default version from Yocto 3.1 Dunfell
CIP_MODE = "None" or unset CIP_MODE
- QT Demo: choose QT5 Demonstration to build with core-image-qt. QT5 Demos are some applications to demonstrate QT5 framework.
- Unset QT_DEMO (default): all QT5 Demos are not built with core-image-qt.
#QT_DEMO = "1"
- Allow QT_DEMO: all QT5 Demos are built and included in core-image-qt.
QT_DEMO = "1"
- Realtime Linux: choose realtime characteristic of Linux kernel to build with. You can enable this feature by setting the value "1" to IS_RT_BSP variable in local.conf:
IS_RT_BSP = "1"