Releases: MistySOM/rzv2l
Releases · MistySOM/rzv2l
What's Changed
- Add docker and virtualization layer by @matinlotfali in #47
- Add the package NodeJS by @matinlotfali in #52
- Add the package opencv for image processing by @matinlotfali in #56
- Upgrade to vlp v3.0.4 by @matinlotfali in #71
- Update meta-mistysom layer to the latest master branch by @matinlotfali in #79
- Bootloader file cleanup by @mistyron in #55
- Reduce CPU number to fix the error of nodejs package by @matinlotfali in #59
- Change all to by @matinlotfali in #36
- Change root password from emtpy to something reasonable by @mistyron in #77
Script Updates
- Update by @mistyron in #48
- Update the build script by @mistyron in #72
- Move the DRPAI translator script into the repo by @mistyron in #75
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3
What's Changed
- Fix dead Wifi after soft-reboots by @matinlotfali in MistySOM/meta-mistysom#35
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- Move directory permission checks inside the container by @matinlotfali in #29
- Add partitioned wic.bz2 image by @matinlotfali in #30
- Adjust the parallel settings by @matinlotfali in #31
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.2.1
What's Changed
- Improved scripts by @mistyron in #20, #22, #23
- Brought up Laird WiFi module by @matinlotfali in #25
- Removed ultra high speed mode in SDIO MMC1 by @matinlotfali in MistySOM/meta-mistysom#21
- Brought up Ethernet ports by @mistyron in MistySOM/meta-mistysom#23
- Brought up CAN ports by @mistyron in MistySOM/meta-mistysom#27
- Updated to the latest GStreamer-DRPAI plugin by @matinlotfali in MistySOM/meta-mistysom#29
- Added e-CON camera support by @matinlotfali in #27
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
Merge pull request #16 from MistySOM/develop