Install following dependencies :
- Cmake
- Ninja
- Vcpkg
Install following dependencies using Vcpkg:
Vcpkg install OpenGl
Vcpkg install FreeGlut
Run project:
cmake . -GNinja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<Vcpkg toolchain file address>
Install following dependencies :
- Cmake
Run project:
cmake . && make && ./3d-cube
For all desktop apps you can add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to build for release mode
Install VCPKG and cmake
in VCPKG folder install following librarys
vcpkg install OpenGL
vcpkg install FreeGlut
Run project
cmake . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<Vcpkg toolchain file address>
Open XCode project and set your team id bundle identifier and then run project.
Open android folder using android studio and then run project.
Coming soon :)
I'm not sure if anybody wants to run my projects but if you liked to work with it tell me and I try my best to provide documentations for this project