In this learning roadmap I will share the steps I have taken so far, to improve my path to AI learning journey. I am creating this repository to enrich my experience and keep track of my progress. As there are a lot of topics to cover I will try to make it as simple as possible so that in future anyone can take a glimpse of it and get the idea.
- Algebra:
- Exponent Rules
- Factoring
- Functions
- Graphs and equations
- Python:
- Strings, Integers
- List
- Dictionary
- Recursion
- There are three steps in recurstion: * Divide big problem into small and simple problems * Find a base condition with simple answer * Return or roll back answer for base condition to solve all sub problems
- Data Structure in Python:
- Stack
- Queue
- Tree
- General Tree
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Build a Tree
- Add Child Node
- Traversal: In Order, Pre Order, Post Order
- Search for a value
- Determine tree depth
- Find the maximum and minimum value
- Delete a value from a tree
- Graph
- Laravel:
- Laravel Basics
- Frontend
- Backend
- Git
- Basics of git
- Commands:
- Git status (Check for uncommitted changes)
- Add
- Commit
- Push
- Pull
- git pull origin main
- Fast forward merge: If local branch has no new commits to remote branch, git pull will update local branch to match the remote branch without any merge conflicsts.
- Merge conflicts: Same file changed in local and remote. Need to resolve confilcts.
- Uncommitteed change: File is changed in local, but not committed to remote. Eiher commit or stash the changes in local. Then pull will work.
- git pull origin main