The "H5P Caretaker" plugin for WordPress allows you to use NDLA's library of the same name to check H5P content files for improvement options, e.g. accessibility issues, conflicting licenses across subcontents or images that take too much storage space for their respective purpose.
The plugin will set up a dedicated URL that hosts NDLA's H5P Caretaker tool. Users can upload files temporarily for checking and receive a report that they can navigate in.
Install the NDLA's H5P Caretaker plugin via the WordPress Plugin directory (not available yet).
- Go to
- Pick the latest release (or the one that you want to use) and download the
file. - Log in to your WordPress site as an admin and go to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
- Click on the Upload Plugin button.
- Upload the ZIP file with the plugin code.
- Activate the plugin.
Set the capability use-h5p-caretaker as required. Only users/roles with this capability will be able to use the H5P Caretaker unless it is configured to be public. Please note that while WordPress has a fully fledged role management features, you still require separate plugins to assing capabilities to user roles (e. g. User Role Editor)
Go to the settings Settings > H5P Caretaker and
- choose the URL where the tool should be made available,
- choose whether the tool should be usable publicly or only by users with the respective capability (not public by default),
- add introductory text that should be displayed on the page on top of the upload button, and
- add footer text that should be displayed at the bottom of the page.
The plugin will set up the URL /h5p-caretaker or the URL that you configured in the settings. Go there, upload an H5P file and check the report for potential improvements of the content. The plugin will also add an "H5P Caretaker" menu item to the tools menu. You will also find an "H5P Caretaker" button above the H5P content view inside the editor. Click on that to open the H5P Caretaker page and the respective file will be checked directly.
Please note that the uploaded H5P file will be removed immediately after analyzing it. It will not be stored permanently or used for anything else. Please also note that the plugin will fetch the H5P accessibility reports from and display those inside the report if appropriate. No personal information is shared in that process.
The H5P Caretaker plugin for Moodle is is licensed under the MIT License.