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Add bufr2ioda python tool for satwnd in bufr format (non-prepbufr) (#279
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This PR adds a python converter for RAP GOES (types 245-247) bufr satwnd
format to ioda files. The new variables of prepbufr Report types,
initial ObsError and QualityMarker are added in this set of IODA files
for convenience. 

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HuiLiu-NOAA authored Feb 13, 2025
1 parent be26892 commit dac832e
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Showing 2 changed files with 381 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions rrfs-test/IODA/python/bufr2ioda_satwnd.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"data_format": "bufr_d",
"data_type": "satwnd",
"cycle_type": "rap",
"cycle_datetime": "{{ current_cycle | to_YMDH }}",
"dump_directory": "{{ DMPDIR }}",
"ioda_directory": "{{ COM_OBS }}",
"subsets": [ "NC005030", "NC005031", "NC005034" ],
"source": "NCEP data tank",
"data_provider": "U.S. NOAA",
"data_description": "SATWND GOES winds",
369 changes: 369 additions & 0 deletions rrfs-test/IODA/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (C) Copyright 2025 NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence
# Version 2.0 which can be obtained at
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This converts satwnd bufr data to JEDI/IODA input file.
# --------------------------------------------------------

import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
import as ma
import calendar
import json
import time
import copy
import math
import datetime
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pyioda import ioda_obs_space as ioda_ospace
from wxflow import Logger
from pyiodaconv import bufr
from collections import namedtuple
import warnings
# suppress warnings

# =============================================
def bufr_to_ioda(config, logger):

subsets = config["subsets"] # an array of subset"Checking subsets = {subsets}")

# Get parameters from configuration input (command line/file)
data_format = config["data_format"]
data_type = config["data_type"]
data_description = config["data_description"]
data_product = config["data_product"]
cycle_type = config["cycle_type"]
dump_dir = config["dump_directory"]
ioda_dir = config["ioda_directory"]
cycle = config["cycle_datetime"]
# ---------------------------------------------"cycle= {cycle} ")"dump_directory= {dump_dir} ")"ioda_directory= {ioda_dir} ")

# Get derived parameters
yyyymmdd = cycle[0:8]
hh = cycle[8:10]
reference_time = datetime.strptime(cycle, "%Y%m%d%H")
reference_time = reference_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")"reference_time = {reference_time}")

# Read bufr (not prepbufr) files
bufrfile = f"{cycle_type}.t{hh}z.{data_format}.tm00.bufr_d"

DATA_PATH = os.path.join(dump_dir, bufrfile)
if not os.path.isfile(DATA_PATH):"DATA_PATH {DATA_PATH} does not exist")
return"DATA_PATH is: {DATA_PATH}")

# ========================
q = bufr.QuerySet(subsets)

# MetaData
q.add('year', '*/YEAR')
q.add('month', '*/MNTH')
q.add('day', '*/DAYS')
q.add('hour', '*/HOUR')
q.add('minute', '*/MINU')

q.add('latitude', '*/CLATH')
q.add('longitude', '*/CLONH')

q.add('satelliteId', '*/SAID')
q.add('satelliteZenithAngle', '*/SAZA')

q.add('windCalculationMethod', '*/SWCM')

q.add('frequency', '*/SCCF')
q.add('processingCenter', '*/OGCE[1]')
q.add('pressure', '*/PRLC[1]')
q.add('correlation', '*/AMVIVR{1}/TCOV')

q.add('variation', '*/AMVIVR{1}/CVWD')
q.add('surface', '*/AMVIVR{1}/LSQL')

# ObsValue
q.add('uwnd', '*/AMVIVR{1}/UWND')
q.add('vwnd', '*/AMVIVR{1}/VWND')
q.add('wdir', '*/WDIR')
q.add('wspd', '*/WSPD')

# ObsError estimation
q.add('qifn', '*/AMVQIC{2}/PCCF')
q.add('ee', '*/AMVQIC{4}/PCCF')

# ================================================'Executing QuerySet to get ResultSet')

with bufr.File(DATA_PATH) as f:
r = f.execute(q)
except Exception as err:'Return with {err}')

# MetaData
lat = r.get('latitude')
lon = r.get('longitude')
lon[lon > 180] -= 360 # Convert to [-180,180]

said = r.get('satelliteId')
zen = r.get('satelliteZenithAngle', type='float')
fre = r.get('frequency', type='float')
cen = r.get('processingCenter', type='float')
meth = r.get('windCalculationMethod', type='float')

pob = r.get('pressure', type='float')
cor = r.get('correlation', type='float')
vari= r.get('variation', type='float')
surf= r.get('surface', type='float')

# Observation Time
year = r.get('year')
month = r.get('month')
day = r.get('day')
hour = r.get('hour')
minute = r.get('minute')

# DateTime: seconds since Epoch time
# IODA has no support for numpy datetime arrays dtype=datetime64[s]

timestamp = r.get_datetime('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute').astype(np.int64)
int64_fill_value = np.int64(0)
timestamp = ma.array(timestamp)
timestamp = ma.masked_values(timestamp, int64_fill_value)

# ObsValue
uwnd = r.get('uwnd', type='float')
vwnd = r.get('vwnd', type='float')
wdir = r.get('wdir', type='float')
wspd = r.get('wspd', type='float')

# ObsError
qifn = r.get('qifn', type='float') # percent Confidence
ee = r.get('ee', type='float') # initial wind error (%)
oer = 0.01 * ee * wspd # initial wind error (meter)

# Prepbufr Report Type
otypvalue = 0 # initialize
otypsize = said.shape
otyp = np.full(otypsize, otypvalue)
otyp = ma.masked_values(otyp, said.fill_value)

for i in range(len(otyp)):
if meth[i] == 1.0: # IR
otyp[i] = 245
if meth[i] == 2.0: # Visible
otyp[i] = 251
if meth[i] == 3.0: # WV Cloud TOP
otyp[i] = 246
if meth[i] == 5.0: # WV Deep Layer
otyp[i] = 247

# QualityMark
qmsize = said.shape
qmvalue = 2 # initial QM
qm = np.full(qmsize, qmvalue)
qm = ma.masked_values(qm, said.fill_value)

# ---------------------------------------------------
logger.debug(' Check variable dimension and type')
logger.debug(f' lat shape = {lat.shape}')
logger.debug(f' lon shape = {lon.shape}')
logger.debug(f' said shape = {said.shape}')
logger.debug(f' zen shape= {zen.shape}')
logger.debug(f' fre shape= {fre.shape}')
logger.debug(f' cen shape= {cen.shape}')
logger.debug(f' meth shape= {meth.shape}')
logger.debug(f' pob shape= {pob.shape}')
logger.debug(f' cor shape= {cor.shape}')
logger.debug(f' vari shape= {vari.shape}')
logger.debug(f' surf shape= {surf.shape}')
logger.debug(f' uwnd shape= {uwnd.shape}')
logger.debug(f' vwnd shape= {vwnd.shape}')
logger.debug(f' wdir shape= {wdir.shape}')
logger.debug(f' wspd shape= {wspd.shape}')
logger.debug(f' qm shape= {qm.shape}')
logger.debug(f' otyp shape= {otyp.shape}')
logger.debug(f' qifn shape= {qifn.shape}')
logger.debug(f' ee shape= {ee.shape}')
logger.debug(f' oer shape= {oer.shape}')

logger.debug(f' lat type= {lat.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' lon type= {lon.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' said type= {said.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' zen type= {zen.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' fre type= {fre.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' cen type= {cen.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' meth type= {meth.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' pob type= {pob.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' cor type= {cor.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' vari type= {vari.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' surf type= {surf.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' uwnd type= {uwnd.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' vwnd type= {vwnd.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' wdir type= {wdir.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' wspd type= {wspd.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' qm type= {qm.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' otyp type= {otyp.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' qifn type= {qifn.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' ee type= {ee.dtype}')
logger.debug(f' oer type= {oer.dtype}')

# -----------
# output file
# -----------
dims = {'Location': np.arange(0, lat.shape[0])}
iodafile = f"{cycle_type}.t{hh}z.{data_type}.tm00.{cycle}.nc"

OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(ioda_dir, iodafile)"Create output: {OUTPUT_PATH}")
obsspace = ioda_ospace.ObsSpace(OUTPUT_PATH, mode='w', dim_dict=dims)

# Global attributes
obsspace.write_attr('sourceFiles', bufrfile)
obsspace.write_attr('description', data_description)
obsspace.write_attr('product', data_product)
obsspace.write_attr('subsets', subsets)

# MetaData
obsspace.create_var('MetaData/dateTime', dtype=timestamp.dtype, fillval=timestamp.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Datetime') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/latitude', dtype=lat.dtype, fillval=lat.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'degrees_north') \
.write_attr('valid_range', np.array([-90, 90], dtype=np.float32)) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Latitude') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/longitude', dtype=lon.dtype, fillval=lon.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'degrees_east') \
.write_attr('valid_range', np.array([-180, 180], dtype=np.float32)) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Longitude') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/satelliteIdentifier', dtype=said.dtype, fillval=said.fill_value) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Satellite ID') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/satelliteZenithAngle', dtype=zen.dtype, fillval=zen.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'degree') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Satellite Zenith Angle') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/channelCentralFrequency', dtype=fre.dtype, fillval=fre.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'Hz') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Channel Center Frequency') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/dataProvider', dtype=cen.dtype, fillval=cen.fill_value) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Processing Center') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/windCalculationMethod', dtype=meth.dtype, fillval=meth.fill_value) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Wind Calculation Method') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/pressure', dtype=pob.dtype, fillval=pob.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'Pa') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Pressure of Observation') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/trackingCorrelation', dtype=cor.dtype, fillval=cor.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', '') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Tracking Correlation of Vector') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/coefficientOfVariation', dtype=vari.dtype, fillval=vari.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', '') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'coefficient Of Variation') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/surfaceQualifier', dtype=surf.dtype, fillval=surf.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', '') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Land/Sea Qualifier') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/qiWithoutForecast', dtype=qifn.dtype, fillval=qifn.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'percent') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Percent Confidence qifn') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/percentErrorEE', dtype=ee.dtype, fillval=ee.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'percent') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Estimated Error in percent ee') \

obsspace.create_var('MetaData/prepbufrReportType', dtype=otyp.dtype, fillval=otyp.fill_value) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'prepbufr Report Type') \

# QualityMarker
obsspace.create_var('MetaData/windQualityMarker', dtype=qm.dtype, fillval=qm.fill_value) \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Wind Quality Marker') \

# ObsValue
obsspace.create_var('ObsValue/windEastward', dtype=uwnd.dtype, fillval=uwnd.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'm s-1') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Eastward Wind') \

obsspace.create_var('ObsValue/windNorthward', dtype=vwnd.dtype, fillval=vwnd.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'm s-1') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Northward Wind') \

obsspace.create_var('ObsValue/windDirection', dtype=wdir.dtype, fillval=wdir.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'degree') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Wind Direction') \

obsspace.create_var('ObsValue/windSpeed', dtype=wspd.dtype, fillval=wspd.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'm s-1') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Wind Speed') \

# ObsError
obsspace.create_var('ObsError/windEastward', dtype=oer.dtype, fillval=oer.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'm s-1') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Estimated wind error') \

obsspace.create_var('ObsError/windNorthward', dtype=oer.dtype, fillval=oer.fill_value) \
.write_attr('units', 'm s-1') \
.write_attr('long_name', 'Estimated wind error') \

if __name__ == '__main__':

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, help='Input JSON configuration', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='print debug logging information',
args = parser.parse_args()

#--------- LOG info format ------------------------
log_level = 'DEBUG' if args.verbose else 'INFO'
logger = Logger('', level=log_level, colored_log=True)

with open(args.config, "r") as json_file:
config = json.load(json_file)

bufr_to_ioda(config, logger)

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