An OpenAI-CartPole solver implemented with DQN and control theory.
- Python: 3.5.2
- tensorflow: 1.10.0
- keras: 2.2.2
- openai-gym: 0.10.5
$ python [--solver SOLVER_TYPE]
- env: Environment of problems to be solved.
- model: Model of agent to behave (and learn).
- agent: A player interact with environment.
- solver: A problem solver controlling the interaction between agent and environment. (3 stages: pretraining, training, solving)
(more agents are going to be added)
- Basic agent:
Actions in all stage are generated by
. - DQN agent: Actions are determined by deep Q network.
- Simple control agent: It cares about the angle of pole only. When pole is falling to right (angle > 0), it push the cart to right. Otherwise, it push the cart to left.
- PID control agent:
It continuously generate actions to minimized the error between measured
angle and desired setpoint.
The output of PID controller is based on propotional, integral, derivative
terms of the error of angle.
- P: propotional controller, its output relates to angle (unit: degree).
- I: integral controller, its output relates to cumulated angle (unit: degree*sec).
- D: derivative controller, its output relates to variation of angle (unit: degree/sec).