To hold the code that maps between the NeuroBridge ontology and the neuro-query terms
This repo contains a Helm chart in the "neurobridges-chart" folder, which installs the neuroquery Flask app alongside Elasticsearch 7 in any Kubernetes cluster.
To install the helm chart in Sterling:
helm install neurobridges neurobridges-chart -n neurobridges -f sterling_values.yaml
To upgrade the helm chart once already installed:
helm upgrade neurobridges neurobridges-chart -n neurobridges -f sterling_values.yaml
To view the rendered manifests (without installing):
helm template neurobridges-chart -n neurobridges -f sterling_values.yaml | less
I recommend installing the helm diff plugin, which helps make upgrades less scary since you know exactly what will change.
The deployments have startup/liveness probes which hit the /healthz endpoint on a specified port. We had an incident on 8-28-23 after a power loss when all the pods were restarting. The neurobridges-query
deployment was unresponsive and the liveness probe was producing an error. The issue was fixed by uninstalling the neurobridges
release and reinstalling. Be aware it may take some time for the container to properly deploy and accept requests.