ServerThrall v2.1.5
What's New
- Fixed ApiUploader not sending QueryPort for use in ThrallBrowser causing join buttons to not appear
- Fixed ServerRestarter crashing when no restart times are given
- Added support for non english languages with Polish as the first language (see below)
- Added the ability to send out multiple warnings before server restarts (see below)
- Added a new ALPHA updater for serverthrall.exe itself (see below)
1. Multiple Warning Messages
You can easily send out multiple notifications at a given interval before restarts. Just use coma separated values for your warning_minutes and it will automatically send them out at that time before the restart. The example below will warn users 30, 15, 5, and 1 minutes before a restart respectively.
Note If you start ServerThrall and the current time is past the largest warning time, the restart will be ignored because it missed the restart phase. For example, if there is 25 minutes until a schedule restart and you start serverthrall.exe with warning_minutes=30
then the restart will not take place. We are looking into improving this behavior.
warning_minutes = 30,15,5,1
2. Add support for other languages for message templates
Set your language=pl to use the new polish language. As we support more languages, you will be able to set your language to your countries language code. If you want us to support your language, ping us in discord. Right now this only affects message template such as $timeleft
and $timeunit
enabled = true
3. Add Serverthrall updater
This is an ALPHA only and is not guaranteed to work. You need to close serverthrall.exe to run it. We'll be doing some more testing and improvements.