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Merge pull request #1525 from OctopusDeploy/add-re-deploy-previous-re…
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Adding redeploy template
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twerthi authored Jun 21, 2024
2 parents 94eab1c + 78bbea5 commit cf586b9
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 0 deletions.
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions step-templates/octopus-redeploy-previous-release.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"Id": "829b2777-144c-498b-b6aa-2b387da76ead",
"Name": "Octopus - Re-deploy previous version",
"Description": "Re-deploy the previous version of a project.",
"ActionType": "Octopus.Script",
"Version": 1,
"CommunityActionTemplateId": null,
"Packages": [],
"GitDependencies": [],
"Properties": {
"Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource": "Inline",
"Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "PowerShell",
"Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "function Get-OctopusItems\n{\n\t# Define parameters\n param(\n \t$OctopusUri,\n $ApiKey,\n $SkipCount = 0\n )\n \n # Define working variables\n $items = @()\n $skipQueryString = \"\"\n $headers = @{\"X-Octopus-ApiKey\"=\"$ApiKey\"}\n\n # Check to see if there there is already a querystring\n if ($octopusUri.Contains(\"?\"))\n {\n $skipQueryString = \"&skip=\"\n }\n else\n {\n $skipQueryString = \"?skip=\"\n }\n\n $skipQueryString += $SkipCount\n \n # Get intial set\n Write-Host \"Calling $OctopusUri$skipQueryString\"\n $resultSet = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri \"$($OctopusUri)$skipQueryString\" -Method GET -Headers $headers\n\n # Check to see if it returned an item collection\n if ($null -ne $resultSet.Items)\n {\n # Store call results\n $items += $resultSet.Items\n \n # Check to see if resultset is bigger than page amount\n if (($resultSet.Items.Count -gt 0) -and ($resultSet.Items.Count -eq $resultSet.ItemsPerPage))\n {\n # Increment skip count\n $SkipCount += $resultSet.ItemsPerPage\n\n # Recurse\n $items += Get-OctopusItems -OctopusUri $OctopusUri -ApiKey $ApiKey -SkipCount $SkipCount\n }\n }\n else\n {\n return $resultSet\n }\n \n # Return results\n return $items\n}\n\n# Define variables\n$octopusApiKey = $OctopusParameters['redeploy.api.key']\n$octopusUri = $OctopusParameters['redeploy.octopus.server.uri']\n$octopusReleaseNumber = $OctopusParameters['redeploy.release.number']\n$octopusReleaseId = $null\n$header = @{ \"X-Octopus-ApiKey\" = $octopusApiKey }\n$spaceId = $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Space.Id']\n$environmentId = $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Id']\n$projectId = $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Project.Id']\n$promptedVariables = $OctopusParameters['redeploy.prompted.variables']\n$usePreviousPromptedVariables = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($OctopusParameters['redeploy.prompted.useexisting'])\n$deploymentFormValues = @{}\n\nif ($octopusUri.EndsWith(\"/\") -eq $true)\n{\n # Add trailing slash\n $octopusUri = $octopusUri.Substring(0, ($octopusUri.Length - 1))\n}\n\n# Check to see if a release number was provided\nif ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($octopusReleaseNumber))\n{\n # Get the previous release number\n $octopusReleaseId = $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Release.PreviousForEnvironment.Id']\n \n $release = Get-OctopusItems -OctopusUri \"$octopusUri/api/$spaceId/releases/$octopusReleaseId\" -ApiKey $octopusApiKey\n}\nelse\n{\n # Get the specific release\n $release = Get-OctopusItems -OctopusUri \"$octopusUri/api/$spaceId/projects/$projectId/releases?searchByVersion=$octopusReleaseNumber\" -ApiKey $octopusApiKey\n \n # Record the id\n $octopusReleaseId = $release.Id\n} \n \n# Verify result\nif ($null -ne $release)\n{\n # Get deployments\n $deployments = Get-OctopusItems -OctopusUri \"$octopusUri/api/$spaceId/releases/$($release.Id)/deployments\" -ApiKey $octopusApiKey\n \n # Ensure this release has been deployed to this environment\n $deployment = ($deployments | Where-Object {$_.EnvironmentId -eq $environmentId})\n \n if ($null -eq $deployment)\n {\n Write-Error \"Error: $octopusReleaseNumber has not been deployed to $($OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Name'])!\"\n }\n \n # Get the task\n if ($deployment.Links.Task -is [array])\n {\n # Get the last attempt\n $taskLink = $deployment.Links.Task[-1]\n }\n else\n {\n $taskLink = $deployment.Links.Task\n }\n \n $serverTask = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri \"$octopusUri$($taskLink)\" -Headers $header\n \n # Ensure it was successful before continuing\n if ($serverTask.State -eq \"Failed\")\n {\n Write-Error \"The previous deployment of $($release.Version) to $($OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Name']) was not successful, unable to re-deploy.\"\n }\n \n try\n {\n $deploymentVariables = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri \"$octopusUri/api/$spaceId/variables/variableset-$($serverTask.Arguments.DeploymentId)\" -Headers $header\n }\n catch\n {\n if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq \"NotFound\")\n {\n $deploymentVariables = $null\n }\n else\n {\n throw\n }\n }\n \n # Get only prompted variables\n $deploymentVariables = ($deploymentVariables.Variables | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Prompt})\n}\nelse\n{\n Write-Error \"Unable to find release version $octopusReleaseNumber!\"\n}\n\n# Check to see if there prompted variables that need to be included\nif ($usePreviousPromptedVariables -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($promptedVariables))\n{\n # Ensure the previous deployment variables were retrieved\n if ($null -eq $deploymentVariables)\n {\n throw \"Error: Unable to retrieve previous deployment variables!\"\n }\n \n if ($usePreviousPromptedVariables)\n {\n # Create list\n $promptedValueList = @()\n foreach ($variable in $deploymentVariables)\n {\n $promptedValueList += \"$($variable.Name)=$($variable.Value)\"\n }\n }\n else\n {\n $promptedValueList = @(($promptedVariables -Split \"`n\").Trim())\n }\n\n # Get deployment preview for prompted variables\n $deploymentPreview = Invoke-RestMethod \"$OctopusUri/api/$spaceId/releases/$octopusReleaseId/deployments/preview/$($environmentId)?includeDisabledSteps=true\" -Headers $header \n \n foreach($element in $deploymentPreview.Form.Elements)\n {\n $nameToSearchFor = $element.Control.Name\n $uniqueName = $element.Name\n $isRequired = $element.Control.Required\n \n $promptedVariablefound = $false\n \n Write-Host \"Looking for the prompted variable value for $nameToSearchFor\"\n foreach ($promptedValue in $promptedValueList)\n {\n $splitValue = $promptedValue -Split \"=\"\n Write-Host \"Comparing $nameToSearchFor with provided prompted variable $($promptedValue[$nameToSearchFor])\"\n if ($splitValue.Length -gt 1)\n {\n if ($nameToSearchFor -eq $splitValue[0].Trim())\n {\n Write-Host \"Found the prompted variable value $nameToSearchFor\"\n $deploymentFormValues[$uniqueName] = $splitValue[1].Trim()\n $promptedVariableFound = $true\n break\n }\n }\n }\n \n if ($promptedVariableFound -eq $false -and $isRequired -eq $true)\n {\n Write-Highlight \"Unable to find a value for the required prompted variable $nameToSearchFor, exiting\"\n Exit 1\n }\n }\n \n}\n\n# Create json object to deploy the release\n$deploymentBody = @{\n ReleaseId = $octopusReleaseId\n EnvironmentId = $environmentId\n}\n\n# Check to see if there were any Prompted Variables\nif ($deploymentFormValues.Count -gt 0)\n{\n $deploymentBody.Add(\"FormValues\", $deploymentFormValues)\n}\n\n# Submit deployment\nWrite-Host \"Submitting release $($release.Version) to $($OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Name'])\"\n$submittedRelease = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri \"$octopusUri/api/$spaceId/deployments\" -Method POST -Headers $header -Body ($deploymentBody | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10))\n\nWrite-Host \"[View the re-deployment]($octopusUri$($submittedRelease.Links.Web))\""
"Parameters": [
"Id": "9f8d7b00-417c-406e-8788-326fd67d22b3",
"Name": "redeploy.octopus.server.uri",
"Label": "Octopus URI",
"HelpText": "Provide the URI to your Octopus server.",
"DefaultValue": "#{Octopus.Web.ServerUri}",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
"Id": "7b2ed439-b215-42fe-8971-3839626988fd",
"Name": "redeploy.api.key",
"Label": "API Key",
"HelpText": "Provide an API key with permission to re-deploy the previous version.",
"DefaultValue": "",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "Sensitive"
"Id": "92461617-cab6-4dc7-8fdd-0fcfc08c5d66",
"Name": "redeploy.release.number",
"Label": "Release number",
"HelpText": "(Optional)\nProvide a release number to re-deploy. Leave blank to use the immediate previous release number.",
"DefaultValue": "",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
"Id": "47eaaeaf-e414-4b34-ba7d-7d84715fd2ea",
"Name": "redeploy.prompted.variables",
"Label": "Prompted variables",
"HelpText": "Enter any prompted variables and their values in the format `VariableName=VariableValue`. Enter one entry per line.\n\nExample: `MyVar=MyValue`",
"DefaultValue": "",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "MultiLineText"
"Id": "c0137294-b4e3-406e-a36d-fd7aca2731e7",
"Name": "redeploy.prompted.useexisting",
"Label": "Use previous prompted variables",
"HelpText": "Tick this box to use the same prompted variables and values from the previous deployment.\n\nNote: This setting will override anything in the `Prompted variables` input with the values from the previous deployment. In addition, it will use the values from the latest deployment of the Release.\n\nNote: Please be aware that this template uses the API to retrieve variable which will not work sensitive values.",
"DefaultValue": "False",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "Checkbox"
"StepPackageId": "Octopus.Script",
"$Meta": {
"ExportedAt": "2024-06-18T23:04:33.802Z",
"OctopusVersion": "2024.2.9220",
"Type": "ActionTemplate"
"LastModifiedBy": "twerthi",
"Category": "octopus"

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