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Andy Galasso edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 27 revisions

PHD2 Camera Support

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NOTE: If you do not see your camera in the list below, or if it is marked as not supported, you may still be able to use it with PHD2. If the camera has an available ASCOM driver (Windows) or an INDI driver (Linux), then you can use the camera with PHD2.

Camera Windows Mac 32-bit Mac 64-bit Linux Notes
Altair Cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows: native mode or use Altair ASCOM driver, or INDI
Mac and Linux: use INDI
ASCOM Cameras Yes No No No Linux/Mac available through WINDI
Astromania Cameras See ToupTek below
Atik 16 series Yes No No No color and mono. If your Atik 16 camera is not recognized by PHD2, try updating to the latest drivers from Atik and try connecting as "Atik Gen3" in PHD2.
Atik Gen 3 Yes No No No color and mono
CCD Labs Q-Guider Yes No No No
Fishcamp Starfish Yes Yes No No
i-Nova PLC-M Yes No No No
INDI Cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes INDI camera list
iOptron iGuider Yes No No No iOptron iGuider info
KWIQGuider No Yes Yes No [*] Mac 64 unconfirmed
Long exposure webcams Yes No No No USB, Parallel, or serial interface
MagZero MZ-5 Yes No No No
MallinCam SkyRaider Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows: select ToupTek Camera, or connect as a WDM webcam or as an ASCOM camera (download the ASCOM driver from Mallincam software downloads)
Mac 32-bit: supported natively
Mac 64-bit and Linux: Connect as ToupTek camera
Meade DSI I, II, or III Yes Yes No No
Moravian Cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows: native, ASCOM, or INDI
Mac and Linux: use the Moravian INDI driver
Moravian info
Omegon Pro Cameras Yes No Yes Yes Touptek info
OpenCV webcam Yes No No No
Orion StarShoot Autoguider Yes Yes Yes Yes (see here) Note: How to connect to an SSAG with corrupted firmware
Orion Starshoot DSCI Yes No No No
Orion StarShoot Planetary Imager and Autoguider Yes No No No
QHY5 No No No Yes
QHY Cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes (cameras more recent than the QHY5)
QHY Support Info
SAC4-2 Yes No No No
SBIG cameras Yes Yes Yes No SBIG info
Simulator Yes Yes Yes Yes PHD2's built-in camera simulator, great for development and learning PHD2
Starlight Xpress cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes SX info
Svbony cameras Yes No(*) Yes Yes 32-bit Mac no longer supported in v2.6.11dev3; may work in earlier versions
The Imaging Source cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes On Windows select "Windows WDM-style webcam" or use the TIS ASCOM camera driver. For OSX and Linux, use the TIS INDI Driver. OSX also has a builtin driver (DCAM Firewire).
ToupTek Cameras Yes No Yes Yes Touptek info
Windows WDM-style webcams Yes No No No
ZWO ASI cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes ZWO info

SBIG Cameras

SBIG cameras only allow a single application at a time to access the camera. If the camera is one of the self-guiding models with a built-in guide camera, then the imaging app controlling the imaging chip will need to provide access to the guide camera. The only app we know of with this capability is Sequence Generator Pro which exposes the internal guide camera to PHD2 as an ASCOM camera.

Starlight Xpress Cameras

On Windows you can connect to your SX camera in two ways: with the ASCOM driver or the PHD2 built-in driver, "Starlight Xpress SXV". If you are using the ASCOM driver and want to use a Bad-pixel map in PHD2, then make sure that you disable the ASCOM driver options Square Lodestar Pixels and Gaussian Blur as these options will interfere with PHD2 being able to identify hot pixels.

ZWO Cameras

ZWO ASI cameras are supported natively on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The cameras can also be accessed with ASCOM or INDI camera drivers. On Linux, the USB 2.0 cameras may require that you flash the firmware version labeled "compatible" Forum Thread.

ToupTek Cameras

On Windows ToupTek camera support is built-in to PHD2, or you can use the ToupTek's ASCOM camera driver. Linux native support should also work, but it has not been tested yet. On Mac, you'll need the 64-bit version of PHD2 as ToupTek no longer provides SDK support for 32-bit Macs.

iOptron iGuider

The camera's gain and exposure time can be set by clicking the camera properties button on the toolbar. See this forum post for a description of how the camera's exposure time relates to PHD2's exposure duration setting.

Here is the information from iOptron showing the camera's available gain and exposure values:

Moravian Cameras

  • The Moravian SDK is Windows-only, so native Moravian camera support is only available on Windows. Use the Moravian INDI driver for Mac and Linux.
  • Currently PHD2's native support covers the gXusb-type cameras -- everything but the large cooled C3 and C4 cameras.
  • Cameras connected through the Moravian Camera Ethernet adapter are not supported, though we could add support for that if there is a demand.