There is the implementation of multi-constraint proximal policy optimization (MCPPO), which is modified based on a DRL framework -- ElegantRL(小雅). The carla environment is modified based on gym-carla. Please refer to our paper for details.
Our experimental environment is based on Ubuntu18.04 and Carla0.9.11 Before training in Carla, you need
- install Carla, the tutorial:
- install Docker, the tutorial:
- install Nvidia-docker2 (for running env by GPU), the tutorial:
- start carla server, the tutorial: or start with
python ./gym_carla_feature/start_env/demo/
Please see requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run PID control to test
python gym_carla_feature/start_env/demo/
to test if carla is installed correctly.
After runing carla server, you can start a training with a quickstart shell
bash ./start/
, which includes PPO, MCPPO, SAC, D3QN. Or start with
python gym_carla_feature/start_env/demo/
You also use ray_elegantrl to try other envs such as
python ray_elegantrl/
The tensorboard file and model file will be saved in ./veh_control_logs
The policy our trained is in ./veh_control_logs/veh_control/town07-V1
Run PID drive policy by
python gym_carla_feature/start_env/demo/
Run DRL drive policy by
python gym_carla_feature/start_env/demo/
author = {Guangyuan Zou and
Ying He and
F. Richard Yu and
Longquan Chen and
Weike Pan and
Zhong Ming},
title = {Multi-Constraint Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smooth Action Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July
pages = {3802--3808},
publisher = {},
year = {2022},
url = {}
Thanks for 小雅 and Yinyan Zeng, the author. I learned a lot from this repository.