R package files are in packagefiles folder
Shiny app files are in shinyappfiles folder
Presentation has been done in office hour
-1. Each team member wrote at least one function for the package.
-1. built the package and added descriptions
-2. preprocess tab in the shiny app
Hao engineered the tab for reading the dataset. Meanwhile, Hao also created the repo, led the task of putting functions into an R package, and performed much technical maintenance for the app as we introduced new content. Hao also made the app more user friendly by modifying its fonts and contributed to the tutorial tab
-1. Visualization in the shiny app
-2. Tutorial page for the shiny app
Chu worked on a visualization tab that was, unfortunately, not eventually adopted into an already complicated project. She also helped the team prepare our presentation. Additionally, she performed extensive maintenance at version control
-1. Tutorial page for the shiny app
-2. Model building in the shiny app
Sida proposed main project direction, gave the layout to the main structure of the shiny page, designed the tab that displays variable importance
-1. Model building in the shiny app
-2. Formating adjustments
Yijie implemented essential functionalities of our app––she specifically took care of the flow of the app so that the same dataset can be used from being read in to being modeled on for the later tabs. She is also the principal contributor of the modeling tab