This repo hosts Dockerfile's and scaffolding for images in the Pet-Series organisation. Docker specifications supporting Pet-Series and ROS1/ROS2 middleware.
- Docker images for ARM4 = Raspberry Pi3-4-5 running 64bit Ubuntu
- Docker images for AMD64/X86 = PC running 64bit Ubuntu
- Target architecture: ARM64 (aka."Raspberry Pi 3-4-5")
- Operating system: Ubuntu
- Middleware: Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2)
- Target architecture: AMD64/x86 (aka."PC", aka. "Workstation")
- Operating system: Ubuntu
- Middleware: Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2)
- Developing & Running ROS2 applications
- Running simulation in ROS2
- Developing & uploading firmware to microcontrollers using micro-ROS
- Target architecture: AMD64/x86 (aka."PC", aka. "Workstation")
- Operating system: Ubuntu
- Middleware: Robot Operating System 1 (ROS1/Noetic)
- Developing & Running ROS1 applications
- Running simulation in ROS1 using GAZEBO.