✔ Accession number now included for germplasm imported via BrAPI (#1093)
✔ Option added at trait creation to keep keyboard closed when navigating to text traits (#1102)
✔ Proximity check added to disable GeoNav when away from field (#1098)
✔ Experimental setting to use media keys for entry/trait navigation and picture capture (#1089)
✔ Fields and traits that have already been imported are now hidden on the BrAPI import screen (#1091)
✔ Long-pressing delete button on bottom toolbar will remove all observations for that trait (#1099)
✔ Current time now used as lastSyncedTime when downloading Observations via BrAPI (#1071)
✔ lastSyncedTime updated after creating/updating Observations (#1071)
✔ Improved support for BrAPI servers not using https (#1071)
✔ "observation_time_stamp" and "last_synced_time" now correctly saved in DAO (#1071)
✔ Synced and updated records now correctly identified (#1071)