Gives access to API available in Paper but not Bukkit or Spigot.
Returns the UUID for the entity that spawned this firework, or null if none exists.
Returns the view distance (in chunks) for a world.
Sets the view distance (in chunks) for a world.
Gets whether or not this player affects mob spawning.
Sets whether or not this player affects mob spawning.
These functions are not Paper-specific and will likely be moved to CommandHelper core at some point under different function names. I forgot to remove them before publishing, but enjoy them for now.
Gets the entity spawn settings for this world.
Sets the entity spawn settings for this world.
Sets the killer of a mob/player to the specified player.
Finds and sets a path for a mob to a location or living entity.
Returns an array of location arrays along the mob's current path or null.
This event is called when beacon effect is applied to a player.
- player: The player the effect is being applied to.
- location: The location of the beacon.
- effect: The array of the potion effect being applied to the player.
- primary: Whether or not the effect is the primary effect from the beacon.
- effect
This event is called when a player jumps.
- player: String
- player: The player jumping.
- from: The location from which the player is jumping.
- to: The location the player is moving to.
- from
This event is called when a player boosts using a firework while gliding.
- player: String
- player: The player boosting.
- firework: The entity id of the firework created.
- item: The item array of the firework used.
- consume: Whether or not the firework item will be consumed.
- consume
Fired any time an entity is being removed from a world for any reason
- id: String
- type: Macro
- id: The entityID
- type: The type of entity removing.
This event is called when a player's armor slot changes by any cause, including function.
- player: String
- player: The player whose armor slot changed.
- olditem: The item array for the old item (or null)
- newitem: The item array for the new item (or null)
- slottype: The armor slot changed (HEAD, CHEST, LEGS, FEET)
- from