Modified code for paper "Deep Learning Based Primary Signal Detection at Secondary User in Cognitive Radio Systems", IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 8, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2019.
As an experiment for "signal detection and estimation" class, we followed this paper and tried the source code published by the author (github link: EricGJB). Based on the origin code, extra experiments were implemented as following:
- In order to test the performance of deep learning models under low SNRs, we trained the models under different SNRs and tested the model with best generalization ability.
Note that the origin paper used early stopping to control the false alarm rate
The generation of dataset using GNURadio packages could be complicated due to Linux distribution version. Thus, we installed Ubuntu 18.04 OS on a virtual machine and using compiling from source method described in this blog (which may be helpful for Chinese reseachers).
Besides, an error was found in
from the source code, which can be fixed as following:
#dataset[(mod_type.modname, snr)][modvec_indx,0,:] = np.real(sampled_vector) #line 55
#dataset[(mod_type.modname, snr)][modvec_indx,1,:] = np.imag(sampled_vector)
dataset[(mod_type.modname, snr)][modvec_indx,0,:] = np.real(total_vector)
dataset[(mod_type.modname, snr)][modvec_indx,1,:] = np.imag(total_vector)
In order to help researchers try this dataset, we uploaded our dataset (with sample length = 64, SNR = -50 ~ 10 with step 2) on the google drive.
Basically, the dataset generation follows the source code of RadioML's generation.
The models were trained by using tensorflow with one Nvida GeForce RTX 2070s GPU on Ubuntu 16.04 OS (our workstation not virtual machine). The Tensorflow version is 2.2. Part of the packages of my anaconda environment is as following:
# Name Version Build Channel
tensorflow 2.2.0 gpu_py36hf933387_0
tensorflow-base 2.2.0 gpu_py36h8a81be8_0
tensorflow-estimator 2.2.0 pyh208ff02_0
tensorflow-gpu 2.2.0 h0d30ee6_0
cudatoolkit 10.1.243 h6bb024c_0
cudnn 7.6.5 cuda10.1_0
My train files and functions are listed as below:
├── # origin file
├── # train models in a selected snr
├── #train models in a range of snrs
Note that some modifications exist in the files with same names as those in origin source code published by the author.
We tested the DNN and DetectNet in
The recommended file structure is as following.
├── # origin file
├── # train models in a selected snr
├── #train models in a range of snrs
├── pkl_data
│ └── 64.pkl
├── result
│ ├── models
│ │ ├── DetectNet
│ │ │ └── 64
│ │ │ └── best.h5
│ │ ├── DNN
│ │ │ └── 64
│ │ │ └── best.h5
│ └── xls
│ ├── DetectNet
│ │ └── 64
│ │ └── stat.xls
│ └── DNN
│ └── 64
│ └── stat.xls
└── source_material