The program is experimentally developed, test on Ubuntu 20.04.
Swarm-Formation is a distributed swarm trajectory optimization framework for formation flight in dense environments.
Airsim is a simulator for drones, cars and more, built on Unreal Engine.
Install ROS on your machine.
Compile UE 4.27 (Mandatory) and Airsim Plugin on Linux, and prepare an airsim project following link.
Compile the project:
cd Swarm-Formation-Airsim
catkin_make -j1
- Run Airsim simulator:
source devel/setup.bash
ue_config=$(rospack find airsim_package)/ue_settings/fly.json
"<path>/Binaries/Linux/<executable name>" -settings= ${ue_config}
- Execute the program:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ego_planner fly.launch
Check the directory bags/
where it should contain rosbags and videos inside different directories.
The program is experimentally developed and contains a lot of unused code and unnecessary components.
Considering the files in src/airsim/scripts/
act as a controller that reset the simulator and IPC with other programs. It also publish the global map for visualization in rviz. -
provide odometry and lidar information from Airsim and receive velocity and send to Airsim. -
is a upper-level controller which controls navigation points of the swarm. -
records rosbag file from ROS and videos from Airsim.
More details and program executed can be observed in src/planner/plan_manage/launch/fly.launch
4. Changes to origianl Swarm-Formation
Please review the git commits and use AI tools to assist with understanding them.
Strongly recommend rosmon to replace roslaunch.