GUI and multiple symbolic AI to play the Pandemic game.
Project contributors: TRAN Stanislas LAMRANI ALAOUI Ayoub AZORIN Raphaël
Package project: Run mvn package at the root of the project.
Launch project (GUI): After having packaged the project, run mvn exec:java
Launch project (CLI): Run java -jar pandemiage-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar for default options.
JARFILE : path to a .jar file containing at least one class that implements fr.dauphine.ja.pandemiage.common.AiInterface and a MANIFEST files containing the AI-Class property specifying the name of the class implementing AiInterface. Default : DynamicAi.jar.
DIFFICULTY : level of game difficulty : 0 - Introduction game, 1 - Standard game, 2 - Heroic Game. Default : 0.
CITYGRAPH : name of the file containing the graph of citie. Default : pandemic.graphml
TURNDURATION : number of seconds representing the allocated time for each player to play his turn. Default : 1.
HANDSIZE : maximum number of cards a player can hold. Default : 9.
Documentation (in French): Refer to user.pdf, dev.pdf and experimentation.pdf located in the docs directory.