pander 0.5.2 (2015-04-19)
New fetures:
- optionally add significance stars for P values (#94)
- specify full path of the pandoc binary (#127)
- define custom "missing value" text in pander outputs (#131)
- more general CrossTable renderer (started at #135)
- LaTeX-style column-alignment (#149)
- Rcpp support for Unicode characters (#144)
- S3 method for a bunch of (lm, glm) summary objects
- disable "" option for recursive calls (#129)
- evals hook trigger
- collapse multiple captions instead of rendering multiple captions (#130)
- preserve digits, decimal mark etc. settings for splitted tables (#133)
- narrower columns without a header (#136)
- read default params of set.alignment from panderOptions (#137)
- render header for 1D tables (#138)
- emphasize cells with missing/empty values (#156)