Batch program to detect optic disc on retinography photograph.
Do not confuse with optical disc!
optic-disc-detector -i /path/to/input.jpg
optic-disc-detector --input /path/to/input.jpg
optic-disc-detector --input=/path/to/input.jpg
optic-disc-detector -i /path/to/input.jpg -o /path/to/output.jpg
optic-disc-detector --input=/path/to/input.jpg --output=/path/to/output.jpg
- -i <input_file_path> - path to input image (jpg, png, bmp)
- -o output_file_path - path to output image (jpg, png, bmp)
- --minRadius <double_value> - minimum radius, % of image width (0 - 1)
- --maxRadius <double_value> - maximum radius, % of image width (0 - 1)
- --minDistance <double_value> - minimum distance between centers, % of image width (0 - 1)
- --cannyThreshold <integer_value> - upper threshold of Canny filter (0 - 255)
- --accumulatorThreshold <integer_value> - accumulator detection threshold ( > 0)
- --blurSize <double_value> - blur size, % of image width (0 - 1)
- --blurSigma <double_value> - blur sigma ( 0 - 100)
- --x <integer_value> - x of correct circle center (0 - width)
- --y <integer_value> - y of correct circle center (0 - height)
- --radius <integer_value> - radius of correct circle (0 - width)
Circle is output in JSON format