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This software is designed to run on an NVIDIA GPU and makes use of the CUDA toolkit. If no NVIDIA graphics card is available, or if the user whishes so, SeismicMatch can also run in full CPU mode.
Download the SeismicMatch zip archive by clicking the green <> Code
at the top of this page, or clone the repository using git:
>>> git clone https://github.com/RensHofman/SeismicMatch.git
Create a conda environment with python3 installed:
>>> conda create -n SM python=3
>>> conda install numpy==1.23.5 scipy pyyaml
>>> conda install -c conda-forge obspy
If you have an NVIDIA GPU connected to your machine and whish to use the GPU mode, install the CuPy package using the command below. Do not install CuPy if you do not have an NVIDIA GPU available. The CPU mode will always be available, whether CuPy is installed or not.
>>> conda install -c conda-forge cupy
Note that the installation of cupy requires the CUDA toolkit, and the CuPy version depends on the CUDA driver. Conda should automatically pick the right version, but a table is also provided on the CuPy website.
See performance settings for information on how to use the full CPU mode.
Move inside the SeismicMatch project folder that contains "setup.py" and run the installation script (requires pip and setuptools).
>>> cd ~/Downloads/SeismicMatch
>>> pip install .
This is an overview of the normal SeismicMatch workflow. Before starting you own project, it is also possible to play around with the example data described below.
The prerequisites for starting a new project are:
- continuous data obervations in a format readable by ObsPy
- a starting catalog for which templates should be extracted
- a station metadata file (channel level) for the selection of stations to be used in StationXML format
Before you start, make sure that SeismicMatch is installed and the virtual environment in which it is installed is activated. Next, choose a location for your new project and create a project folder:
>>> mkdir my_tm_project
>>> cd my_tm_project
To start a new project, we need to create project configuration file. This file
must be located in the root of our project folder and must be called config.yaml
We can create a new configuration file with default settings using the command-
line tool create_config
>>> create_config
This creates config.yaml
in the current working directory. Open the file using
your preferred editor and change the parameters to your needs. A description of
all fields is provided at the bottom of the file. The performance settings are
automatically detected when a new configuration file is created and are therefore
specific to your machine.
Note that changes to this file after extracting the template waveforms in the next step may cause problems, since preprocessing is applied permanently to the template waveforms. Changing the preprocessing values after template extraction will cause the continuous data to be preprocessed differently.
The next step is to extract template waveforms for the starting catalog of events
using the command-line tool create_templates
>>> create_templates my_starting_catalog.xml
Note that the starting catalog should be in a format readable by ObsPy. This will create a folder where template waveforms will be stored. The location of this folder as well as the (pre-processing) settings for the template waveforms are defined in the configuration file. Additionally, individual event files are created in the events folder.
If no templates are being created, please check that the continuous data is provided
in the data folder, that the data structure and filenames are correctly defined
in the configuration file, and data is available for the events in the starting
catalogue. Add the command-line argument -vvv
to increase the verbosity for debugging.
Now, we can start the main template matching script using the command-line
. It is possible to specify specific template waveforms as command-
line arguments:
>>> match_templates *template_waveform_files
If no specific template waveforms are provided as command-line arguments, all template waveforms in the template folder are used by default:
>>> match_templates
The template waveforms will now be cross-correlated with the continuous data in the data folder, for the time-span defined in the configuration file.
The command-line tool create_event_families
combines the matches from each individual
template waveform and applies the selection criteria defined in the configuration file.
If a set of simultaneous matches meets these criteria, an event is appended to the
template family of the template event. It is possible to specify specific match files as
command-line arguments:
>>> create_event_families *match_files
If no specific match files are provided as command-line arguments, all match files in the matches folder are used by default:
Note that if an event is detected using multiple template events, it will appear in multiple event families. This creates a list of event detections for each template event in the event folder. The filenames of the event family files match the filenames of the template event files in the event folder.
The configuration file is called config.yaml
and is located in the root of the current project
folder. Settings are read from this file by all command-line tools in the SeismicMatch package.
A configuration file with default (example) setting can be created automatically as described in
section 1. Project configuration of the Workflow section.
The project parameters that can be adjusted are listed below.
These settings control the performance of SeismicMatch. When the configuration
file is created, the optimal settings are automatically detected from your system.
If you wish to use full CPU mode, set n_gpu
to 0. This is the default setting
if no graphics card is available.
- n_cpu (int, optional): maximum number of parallel processes to be
used. Defaults to the number of cpu cores. - n_gpu (int, optional): maximum number of graphics cards to use. By
default, all graphics cards will be used. - cuda_devices (list, optional): specify which CUDA devices should be
used. By default, the firstn_gpu
devices will be used.
- n_stations (int, required): the number of stations for which to extract
templatewaveforms. These will be the closest available stations
to the event hypocenter. - channel (str, optional): channel code to be used. The use of multiple
channels is currently not supported. Defaults to 'HHZ'. - prepick (float, required): starttime of the template windows relative
to the estimated P-wave arrival in seconds. - min_len (float, required): minimum length of the template waveforms in
sec. The templates will be lengthened with 5 second increments for
increasing hypocentral distance. - length_fixed (bool, required): if set to True, all template waveforms
will have the same length determined bymin_len
. - template_data_path (str, optional): path to the folder that holds the
continuous data from which templates should be extracted in case this
path is required to be different from the general data path. Defaults to
under 'folders and file structure'. - template_data_structure (str, optional): description of the data
structure (folders & filenames) withintemplate_data_path
Placeholders can (and should) be used to include the data folder, year,
network code, station code, location code, channel code and the julian
day in curly brackets: {data_path}, {year}, {net}, {sta}, {loc}, {cha},
{loc}, {julday}. The tag {quality} can be used optionally to include a
data quality flag. Defaults to thedata_structure
as defined under
'folders and file structure'.
- highpass (float, required): lower frequency in Hz of the bandpass
filter applied to both the templates (permanent) and continuous
data (upon loading). - lowpass (float, required): upper frequency in Hz of the bandpass filter
applied to both the templates (permanent) and continuous data (upon
loading). - decimate (int, required): the factor by which the sampling rate of the
data should be lowered (for faster computation). Decimation will be
applied permanently to the templates and dynamically to the
continuous data upon loading.
- data_start (yyyy-mm-dd, required): starting date for cross-correlation
of the templates with the continous data. - data_stop (yyyy-mm-dd, required): last date to be included in the
cross-correlation. - cc_threshold (float, required): threshold of the absolute normalized
cross-correlation value. - mad_threshold (float, required): threshold of the normalized cross-
correlation value as a factor of the daily median absolute deviation (MAD). - combine_thresholds (bool, required): if True, both thresholds need to
be passed. If False, only one threshold needs to be passed.
Path names are defined either absolute, or relative to the project folder
containing this configuration file.
- meta_dir (str, required): path to the metadata folder that holds the station
xml filestations.xml
containing the station information. - event_dir (str, required): path to the folder where event information is
stored. Single event catalog files will be created here to which the template
files and event families can be traces back to through their filenames. - template_dir (str, required): path to the folder where template waveforms
will be stored. - matches_dir (str, required): path to the folder where all matches to each
individual template waveform are stored. - family_dir (str, required): path to the folder where event detections that
exceed the selection criteria are stored for each template event. Note that the
same event can occur within multiple event families. - data_path (str, required): path to the folder that holds the continuous data.
- data_structure (str, required): description of the data structure (folders &
filenames) withindata_path
. Placeholders can (and should) be used to include
the data folder, year, netowrk code, station code, location code, channel code
and the julian day in curly brackets: {data_path}, {year}, {net}, {sta}, {loc},
{cha}, {loc}, {julday}. The tag {quality} can be used optionally to include a
data quality flag.
- cc_criteria (list of floats, required): selection criteria to define an event
in terms of the absolute normalized cross-correlation value.
For example: [0.7, 0.5] would mean that two simultaneous matches with absolute
cross-correlation values >= 0.7 & >= 0.5 on two different stations are required
within the time rangemax_t_diff
. Use an empty list[]
if no cc-criteria
should be applied. - mad_criteria (list of floats, required): selection criteria to define an
event in terms of a factor of the daily median absolute deviation (MAD) of the
normalized cross-correlation function. For example: [10, 8] would mean that two
simultaneous matches with 10x and 8x the daily MAD value are required within the
time rangemax_t_diff
. Use an empty list[]
if no MAD-criteria should be
applied. - max_t_diff (float, required): maximum time difference in seconds between
individual detections that allows them to be called simultaneous for the purpose
of the selection criteria defined above. Note that the time difference relates to
the estimated origin time of the detections and not the actual occurrence of
the template waveforms, since these would depend on the stations hypocentral
distance. - combine_criteria (bool, required): if True, both the
as well as
need to be met. If set to False an event is defined when either
of both criteria are met.
The continuous data must be in a format readable by ObsPy, where each file represents data from a single channel on a single day. The data should be structured in a way that the filename (including the path) contains the network code, station code, location code, channel code and the julian day as a 3-digit number. This data structure needs to be defined in the configuration file.
The station metadata needs to be provided in StationXML format at the channel level. This format is provided by all FDSN webservices.
The starting catalog should be in a format readable by ObsPy.
Individual event files are created in the event folder for each template event. The filenames are a representation of the event origin time as defined in the starting catalog. This identifier is also used in the template waveform files. This way, matches can easily be recombined with template information to construct event detections. The event files are written in QuakeML format to support all event information contained in the starting catalog.
The filenames of the match files are a combination of the waveform identifier, the template event
identifier, and the number of samples in the template waveform: {waveform-id}_{event-id}_{n-samples}
Each file contains the instances where a single template waveform passes the cross-correlation
threshold with the corresponding continuous data. The files consist of 4 columns, separated by
spaces. Each line represents a single detection. The columns represent the detection time (time
that aligns with the starttime of the template waveform), the maximum normalized cross-correlation
coefficient, the cross-correlation coefficient expressed as a factor of the mean absolute deviation
(MAD) of the daily cross-correlation funcion, and the amplitude ratio of the detected event compared
to the template event waveform.
Example match file example_data/matches/CX.PB01..HHZ_2021005T032907.3800Z_1076
2021005T004454.6183Z 0.755 20.582 5.327E-02
2021005T032928.7783Z 1.000 27.262 9.999E-01
2021005T033907.2983Z 0.869 23.685 2.634E-01
2021005T035238.8983Z 0.916 24.971 1.086E-01
2021005T115025.3783Z 0.814 22.190 5.558E-02
The filenames of the event family files correspond to the template event files in the event folder, and are a representation of the template events origin time. The files consist of 5 columns, separated by spaces. Each line represents an event detection. The columns represent the estimated event origin time, a comma separated list of channels contributing to the detection, a comma separated list of the normalized cross-correlation values for each channel, a comma separated list of the MAD values for each channel, and a comma separated list of the amplitude ratios for each channel.
Example event family file example_data/event_families/2021005T032907.3800Z
2021-01-05T00:44:33.220000Z CX.PB02..HHZ,CX.PB11..HHZ,CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB01..HHZ 0.899,0.940,0.926,0.755 25.288,29.297,23.823,20.582 5.557E-02,5.364E-02,5.179E-02,5.327E-02
2021-01-05T03:29:07.380000Z CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB11..HHZ,CX.PB01..HHZ,CX.PB02..HHZ 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000 25.722,31.176,27.262,28.137 1.000E+00,1.000E+00,9.999E-01,1.000E+00
2021-01-05T03:38:45.900000Z CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB11..HHZ,CX.PB02..HHZ,CX.PB01..HHZ 0.885,0.880,0.852,0.869 22.774,27.425,23.973,23.685 2.220E-01,2.035E-01,2.332E-01,2.634E-01
2021-01-05T03:41:44.819907Z CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB02..HHZ 0.764,0.779 19.657,21.924 3.183E-02,3.567E-02
2021-01-05T03:52:17.540000Z CX.PB11..HHZ,CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB02..HHZ,CX.PB01..HHZ 0.913,0.950,0.934,0.916 28.448,24.448,26.289,24.971 1.159E-01,1.109E-01,1.144E-01,1.086E-01
2021-01-05T11:50:03.979907Z CX.PSGCX..HHZ,CX.PB11..HHZ,CX.PB01..HHZ,CX.PB02..HHZ 0.896,0.890,0.814,0.914 23.035,27.741,22.190,25.711 5.267E-02,6.075E-02,5.558E-02,5.405E-02
The SeismicMatch installation folder contains a directory example_data
can be used to follow allong with this example. First, move to this directory.
>>> cd ~/Downloads/SeismicMatch
>>> cd example_data
Next, we need to create a configuration file.
>>> create_config
This creates the project configuration file (config.yaml
) containing all
parameters and data descriptors. This configuration file is read by all scripts
that are executed from within this folder. The default settings in the configuration
file are already suitable for the example data, and do not need to be changed.
The performance settings at the top of the configuration file are automatically
detected from your machine.
This folder contains sample data from the CX network in northern Chile
for a single day in the folder data_CX
. The metadata
folder contains
station metadata (stations.xml
) for each of the stations. The file
contains a sample from the IPOC seismicity catalog
for northern Chile (Sippl et al., 2023).
The first step is to extract template waveforms for the events in the sample
catalog using the script create_templates
>>> create_templates sippl_catalog_sample.xml
This creates a two folders templates
and events
within the project
directory. The config file config.yaml
allows you to define different names
and locations, as well as to set all the relevant parameter settings.
- preprocessed template waveforms will be written to the
folder in MSEED format. - individual event files will be written to the
The template waveforms can now be cross-correlated with the continuous data in the data folder. The data folder contains data for a single day, which is also reflected in the the time-span defined in the configuration file.
>>> match_templates
This starts the template matching. Note that SeismicMatch is designed to handle large data volumes efficiently. Small projects such as in this example do not reflect its performance very well, especially using GPUs. The example is merely intended to demonstrate the workflow and test different settings.
A file is created for each template waveform in the folder matches
, containing
a list of all instances where the cross-correlation threshold is passed.
Finally, we can combine the matches from the individual template waveforms into event families. An event family represents a set of event detections that are related to a single template event using the criteria defined in the configuration file.
>>> create_event_families
This creates a list of event detections for each template event in the folder
. The filenames of the event family files match the filenames
of the template event files in the events
[Sippl et al., 2023] Sippl, C., Schurr, B., Münchmeyer, J., Barrientos, S., and Oncken, O. (2023). The northern chile forearc constrained by 15 years of permanent seismic monitoring. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 126:104326.
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences; Institut des Sciences de l’Univers-Centre National de la Recherche CNRS-INSU (2006): IPOC Seismic Network. Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile - IPOC. Dataset/Seismic Network. doi:10.14470/PK615318.