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FootStepNet Envs : Footsteps Planning RL Environments for Fast On-line Bipedal Footstep Planning and Forecasting

These environments are dedicated to train efficient agents that can plan and forecast bipedal robot footsteps in order to go to a target location possibly avoiding obstacles. They are designed to be used with Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms (as implemented in Stable Baselines3).

An example of a trained FootstepNet use:

  • Step 1: A bipedal robot must score a goal while minimizing its number of steps. To do this, we arbitrarily choose $n_{alt}$ placement possibilities (here $n_{alt}=3$) which all allow scoring.
  • Step 2: Forecasting allows choosing from the $n_{alt}$ possibilities, the one that requires the fewest steps.
  • Step 3: The planner compute all the steps in order to go to the position chosen by the forecast.
  • Step 4: The step sequence is executed on the real robot.

Consult the associated article for more information : FootstepNet: an Efficient Actor-Critic Method for Fast On-line Bipedal Footstep Planning and Forecasting


Footsteps Planning Environments

From source:

pip install -e .

To train and enjoy using Stable Baselines3 (SB3), install RL Baselines3 Zoo:

pip install rl_zoo3

To train and enjoy using Stable Baselines Jax (SBX):

pip install sbx-rl

Train the Agent

Using RL Baselines3 Zoo and Stable Baselines3 (SB3)

The easiest way to train the agent is to use RL Baselines3 Zoo

The hyperparameters for the environment are defined in hyperparameters/[algo-name].yml. For now, the best DRL algorithm for this environment is TD3.

You can train an agent using:

python -m rl_zoo3.train \
    --algo td3 \
    --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 \
    --gym-packages gym_footsteps_planning \
    --conf hyperparams/td3.yml


  • --algo td3 is the RL algorithm to use (TD3 in this case).
  • --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 is the environment to train on (see Environments section).
  • --gym-packages gym_footsteps_planning is used to register the environment.
  • --conf ./hyperparams/td3.yml is the hyperparameters file to use.

The trained agent will be stored in the .\logs\[algo-name]\[env-name]_[exp-id] folder from the current working directory.

Using Stable Baselines Jax (SBX)

python \
    --algo crossq \
    --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 \
    --conf hyperparams/crossq.yml

Enjoy a Trained Agent

Using RL Baselines3 Zoo and Stable Baselines3 (SB3)

If a trained agent exists, you can see it in action using:

python -m rl_zoo3.enjoy \
    --algo td3 \
    --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 \
    --gym-packages gym_footsteps_planning \
    --folder logs/ \
    --load-best \
    --exp-id 0


  • --algo td3 is the RL algorithm to use (TD3 in this case).
  • --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 is the environment to enjoy on (see Environments section).
  • --gym-packages gym_footsteps_planning is used to register the environment.
  • --folder logs/ is the folder where the trained agent is stored.
  • --load-best is used to load the best agent.
  • --exp-id 0 is the experiment ID to use (0 meaning the latest).

Using Stable Baselines Jax (SBX)

python \
    --algo crossq \
    --env footsteps-planning-right-v0 \
    --gym-packages gym_footsteps_planning \
    --folder logs/ \
    --load-best \
    --exp-id 0


These environments were first design to play soccer with humanoids robots (see RoboCup Humanoid League). Indeed, they are made designed to place the robot in front of a ball as long as not walking on it (to shoot for example). Or even avoid an obstacle (an opponent for example) while going to a specific location.

Each environment is available in 3 different versions :

  • Right : The target during training is always the right foot.
  • Left : The target during training is always the left foot.
  • Any : The target during training is either the left or the right foot (with 0.5 probability for each). It means that the trained agent can then have either foot as target.

Action Space, Observation Space and Reward

The action and observation spaces, as well as the reward are common to all environments.

Observation Space

Num Observation Min Max
0 x Target support foot position [m] $-\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$ $\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$
1 y Target support foot position [m] $-\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$ $\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$
2 cos(theta) target support foot orientation -1 1
3 sin(theta) target support foot orientation -1 1
4 Is the current foot the target foot ? 0 1

If obstacle is enabled (see below), the following observations are added:

Num Extra observations with obstacle Min Max
5 x obstacle position in the frame of the foot [m] $-\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$ $\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$
6 y obstacle position in the frame of the foot [m] $-\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$ $\sqrt{4^2+4^2}$
7 Obstacle radius [m] 0 0.25

Note: The observation space positions are all defined in the frame of the current support foot. If the support foot is the left foot, transformations are used to ensure sagital symmetry.

Action Space

Num Action Min Max
0 Non-support foot movement along the x axis [m] -0.08* 0.08
1 Non-support foot movement along the y axis [m] -0.04 0.04
2 Non-support foot rotation [deg] -20 20

*: Maximum forward step is used here to ensure a zero-centered action space. However, the backward step is clipped to 0.04 to ensure the robot stability.


The reward is defined as follows:

$$ R = - \delta_\text{distance error} \times 0.1 - \delta_\text{angle error} \times 0.05 - \delta_\text{collision}$$


  • $\delta_\text{distance error}$ is the distance error between the target foot position and the current foot position.
  • $\delta_\text{angle error}$ is the angle error between the target foot orientation and the current foot orientation.
  • $\delta_\text{collision}$ is equal to 10 if the foot is colliding with the obstacle, else it is equal to 1 (penalty for each step taken) .


Below are the customizable options for the FootstepsPlanningEnv environment:

Option Description Default Value
max_dx_forward Maximum forward step size [m] 0.08
max_dx_backward Maximum backward step size [m] 0.03
max_dy Maximum lateral step size [m] 0.04
max_dtheta Maximum rotation step size [rad] np.deg2rad(20)
tolerance_distance Distance tolerance for reaching the goal [m] 0.05
tolerance_angle Angle tolerance for reaching the goal [rad] np.deg2rad(5)
has_obstacle Whether the environment includes an obstacle False
obstacle_max_radius Maximum radius of the obstacle [m] 0.25
obstacle_radius Fixed radius of the obstacle, or None for random None
obstacle_position Position of the obstacle [m, m] np.array([0, 0])
foot Target foot for the agent ("any", "left", or "right") "any"
foot_length Length of the foot [m] 0.14
foot_width Width of the foot [m] 0.08
feet_spacing Spacing between feet [m] 0.15
shaped Whether to include a reward shaping term True
multi_goal If True, the goal is sampled in a 4x4 m area, otherwise fixed at [0, 0] False

Placer without obstacle/ball

Environment names

  • Right foot as target: footsteps-planning-right-v0
  • Left foot as target: footsteps-planning-left-v0
  • Alternating feet as target: footsteps-planning-any-v0


This environment allows to train an agent that place the desired foot of the robot to a specific location.

Starting State

The starting foot and the starting foot pose are randomly generated at each episode within a defined range (cf. Observation state).

Goal State

The target foot is fixed (right or left) or randomly generated (any) at each episode. The target foot pose is fixed.

Placer with a ball

Environment names

  • Right foot as target: footsteps-planning-right-withball-v0
  • Left foot as target: footsteps-planning-left-withball-v0
  • Alternating feet as target: footsteps-planning-any-withball-v0


This environment allows to train an agent that place the desired foot of the robot to a specific location while avoiding an obstacle of a fixed size (for example a ball).

Starting State

The starting foot and the starting foot pose are randomly generated at each episode within a defined range (cf. Observation state). A fixed-size obstacle is present ([0.3,0] in the world frame).

Goal State

The target foot is fixed (right or left) or randomly generated (any) at each episode. The target foot pose is fixed and in front of the obstacle ([0,0] in the world frame).

Multi-goal placer without obstacle/ball

Environment names

  • Right foot as target: footsteps-planning-right-multigoal-v0
  • Left foot as target: footsteps-planning-left-multigoal-v0
  • Alternating feet as target: footsteps-planning-any-multigoal-v0


This environment allows to train an agent that place the desired foot of the robot to a different location at each episode.

Starting State

The starting foot and the starting foot pose are randomly generated at each episode within a defined range (cf. Observation state).

Goal State

The target foot is fixed (right or left) or randomly generated (any) at each episode. The target foot pose is randomly generated within a defined range (cf. Observation state).

Multi-goal placer with a ball

Environment names

  • Right foot as target: footsteps-planning-right-withball-multigoal-v0
  • Left foot as target: footsteps-planning-left-withball-multigoal-v0
  • Alternating feet as target: footsteps-planning-any-withball-multigoal-v0


This environment allows to train an agent that place the desired foot of the robot to a different location at each episode while avoiding an obstacle of a fixed size (for example a ball).

Starting State

The starting foot and the starting foot pose are randomly generated at each episode within a defined range (cf. Observation state). A fixed-size obstacle is present ([0.3,0] in the world frame).

Goal State

The target foot is fixed (right or left) or randomly generated (any) at each episode. The target foot pose is randomly generated within a defined range (cf. Observation state).

Multi-goal placer with size-variable obstacle

Environment names

  • Right foot as target: footsteps-planning-right-obstacle-multigoal-v0
  • Left foot as target: footsteps-planning-left-obstacle-multigoal-v0
  • Alternating feet as target: footsteps-planning-any-obstacle-multigoal-v0


This environment allows to train an agent that place the desired foot of the robot to a different location at each episode while avoiding an obstacle of a variable size.

Starting State

The starting foot and the starting foot pose are randomly generated at each episode within a defined range (cf. Observation state). An obstacle is present in the environment ([0.3,0] in the world frame) and its size is randomly generated at each episode.

Goal State

The target foot is fixed (right or left) or randomly generated (any) at each episode. The target foot pose is randomly generated within a defined range (cf. Observation state).

Citing the Project

To cite this repository in publications:

  author={Gaspard, Clément and Passault, Grégoire and Daniel, Mélodie and Ly, Olivier},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, 
  title={FootstepNet: an Efficient Actor-Critic Method for Fast On-line Bipedal Footstep Planning and Forecasting}, 

Note : The environments were tested with the following packages version :

gymnasium==0.29.1 numpy==1.26.4 stable_baselines3==2.3.2 sb3_contrib==2.3.0 pygame==2.6.0


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