This plugin allows you to create (pseudo) infinity notes inside of Xournal++
If you wish to change the size of your PDF files (to annotate on them), you can use this plugin. My plugin only works for taking notes yourself, and not annotating PDF files.
For now, you must install the nightly version of Xournal++, as the latest official release is missing a lot of features to make this plugin possible. You can download it here. Note that if you use the stable release, you have to zoom in manually when creating an infinity canvas.
- Open Xournal++ at least once to generate the config folder(s)
- Go to the Config Folder based on your operating system
- Go to the "plugins" folder
- Download (and extract) this Github repository in that folder
- Go to the Icon Folder based on your operating system
- Copy the icons folder of this repo into that folder
- Open Xournal++
- On the top, select "Edit", then "Toolbars" and at the bottom "Customize", scroll down to the Infinity icon and Arrow icon icon and drag those to your toolbar
You can find the folder for your operating system here or below:
Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\xournalpp
MacOS: ~/.config/xournalpp
Linux: ~/.config/xournalpp
Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\share\icons\hicolor\scalable\actions
MacOS: ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/
Linux: ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/
- Open a (new) note
- Click the Infinity icon
- Hide the sidebar
- (If you're not using the nightly build of Xournal++) zoom into the desired zoom level
If you prefer to start writing at the top left of the canvas (such that you have infinity to the right/bottom only), press the arrow icon.
See the screenshots for examples
These 2 obviously don't show that the page is infinitive, so see the screenshots below: