##Update ###10-7-2024
- Single Download Mode (1 Download Running at a time then starts next when complete.)
- Auto Sub and Subs option.
- Open Download Folder in Explorer.
- Ctrl-V: When entering CTRL-V on GUI automatically sends to Queue
- Auto: When Adding to Queue it will automatically start downloading.
- Clipboard Monitor: Auto adds youtube links, if auto start then will auto download
- Format 1080p: 1080p Download Best
- MKV Remux: Added Toggle
- Embed Subs: Added Toggle
- Remember Filename Arguments
- If no Ctrl-V Mode, hitting enter on link text area will add to Status Queue
- Fixed Category Spacing in Status Queue
Ninjad most from fork dsymbol
call pyinstaller --onefile --clean --name=yt-dlp-gui -y app.py --icon ./ui/assets/yt-dlp-gui.ico --noconsole --add-data "./config/config.json:." --exclude-module "/*.git" --exclude-module "/cache" --exclude-module "/dist" --exclude-module "/build"
Graphical interface for the command line tool yt-dlp, which allows users to download videos from various websites, including YouTube. It is designed to be more user-friendly and accessible for those who are not comfortable using the command line.
There are three ways to get started, depending on your preference and system:
Download the latest portable version from the releases section. This will download a ZIP file containing the program files and all necessary dependencies.
All releases are built and released using GitHub Workflow
You must have Python 3.9+ installed.
To build yt-dlp-gui from its source code:
- Clone the repository onto your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/dsymbol/yt-dlp-gui
cd yt-dlp-gui
- Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Use PyInstaller to compile the program:
cd app
pyinstaller --name=yt-dlp-gui --clean -y app.py
pyinstaller --name=yt-dlp-gui --clean -y app.py --icon ./ui/assets/yt-dlp-gui.ico --noconsole
- The executable will be ready at:
You must have Python 3.9+ installed.
- Clone the repository onto your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/dsymbol/yt-dlp-gui
cd yt-dlp-gui
- Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the program:
cd app
python app.py