FoDA (Foresight Distribution Adjustment) is a framework for off-policy reinforcement learning, where the goal is to use the post-update policy distribution to update the Q network to look ahead at the policy learning. This approach involves deriving the gradient of the visitation distribution with respect to the policy parameter and obtaining an explicit expression to approximate the post-update policy distribution.
Before running the code, ensure that your environment is properly set up. Use the following command to set up the environment:
conda env create -f foda_environment.yml
conda activate foda
For development mode, use:
pip install -e .
To run the code, execute the following command:
python examples/mujoco/ --seed 40 >terminal_output/cheetahrun40.log 2>&1 &
This command runs the
script with a seed of 40
and logs the output to terminal_output/cheetahrun40.log
The code for FoDA is mainly built upon Tianshou. Special thanks to the contributors and maintainers of Tianshou for their excellent framework.