This 🚀PumpFun Smart Contract(Pump.Fun) includes functionalities to add virtual liquidity pools (LP), remove LP, and create Raydium Pools.
For any questions, please reach out to @rust_sol_dev on Telegram or ytracing_pt on Discord.
- Token Creation: Easily create SPL tokens with customizable metadata.
- Token Trading: Trade tokens directly on Platform using Solana wallets.
- Token Management: Update token metadata, mint new tokens, and burn tokens.
- Fee Optimization: Efficient smart contracts to minimize transaction costs.
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive commands for interacting with the smart contract.
- Security: Audited smart contracts to ensure safe and secure transactions.
- Migration: Migrate to raydium or meteora.
You can review the transactions for removing virtual LP and creating Raydium Pools in this smart contract:
Successfully initialized :
Successfully created pool :
Successfully added liquidity :
Successfully bought :
Successfully Sold :
Successfully added liquidity :