This is the official website for UC Berkeley Alpha Kappa Psi by Kevin Xie and Ryan Yu.
Technologies used:
- Ruby on Rails 4
- Authentication: Devise
- Administration: ActiveAdmin
- Photograph attachments: Paperclip Gem, hosted on S3
Points of interest:
- The website is designed in such a way that makes it maintainable for those with no programming experience.
- Both the Rush page and the Careers page update dynamically based on RushEvent and CareerEntry objects created within the administrative portal.
- The Rush page will automatically process all rush events, and will order in ascending order based on time of event.
- The Careers page will automatically process all career entries, and will apply sorting logic to it to display the information appropriately; career entries will first be sorted on year, then will be divided into full-time offers and internships, then will internally be divided into job categories.
- As of now, the About page, Contact page, Consulting page, and Corporate page are static.
- Rushees may only be created/edited/destroyed from within the Admin interface
- Actives can only see Rushee index and profile pages when signed in