SortViz program is designed to visually demonstrate various sorting algorithms in action. By using C++ programming language and SDL2 library, I have created a sorting visualizer that allows you to see how different sorting algorithms work step by step. The visualizer provides a real-time animation that displays the sorting process, allowing you to observe how the elements move and swap positions. As you run the program, you will be able to choose from a range of sorting algorithms, such as Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and more. Each algorithm will be visually represented, showing the step-by-step process of rearranging the elements in the input array.
g++ -Isrc/Include -Lsrc/lib -o SortViz SortViz.cpp -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
Run This Line to create an executable file and run that file! Enjoy the sorting visualiser!