A tower defense game written in python and pygame.
My first bespoke project in coding.
Feel free to drop ideas or improvements to help further development.
Let me know what you think.
- Wave system.
- Money system, Upgrades etc.
- Custom TILED map.
- Lifes system.
- Build menus, tower menu, pausing.
- Animated coin tracking and collection with mouse.
- Specific tower targetting options (closest to HQ, lowest heath, mob speed etc).
- Animated firing platforms/ projectiles.
- Particles, splash damage, direct fire.
- Upgrade levels to increse stats (range, damage, speed etc).
- Selling drops coins ingame.
- Animated sprites.
- Randomly generate path offsets for mobs.
- Interactable coin objects dropped upon death.
- Mob stats increase each wave level.
Feel free to try out the code.
Any other use please contact myself and provide link back to here and/or credit.