Shiny server monitoring app and log scraping script
The basic idea of the app is to read log files which are created by a chron-job that runs an R script (check_server.R).
- Ensure you have a cron job running the check_server.R script. See below for instructions to set that up.
- Shiny Server is running and has access to /srv/shiny-server/server_status
- Access the app as you would any other shiny app.
All credit to the idea/concept and check_server.R script goes to this article (explore that site, it's awesome!).
Running the job run the following command on your server: crontab -e then add the following to the job list: * * * * * sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /srv/shiny-server/server_status/check_server.R save the job list - fin.