- Go to the Releases on the Github page to download the .zip
- Unzip and launch 'libengine.exe'
- AD : steer
- W : Forward
- S : Backwards/brake
- Space : Jump
- R: Reset race
- F1 : Pause
- P : Toggle debug panel (useful if you need to see framerate)
- Developers: Sam, Elise, Dylan, Beau
- AI & ECS: Dylan
- Driving Model and game design: Elise
- Sound system integration: Beau
- Graphics: Sam
- Game Logic: Elise, Beau, Dylan, Sam
- Level Design: Dylan, Elise
- Build system: Beau, Dylan, Sam
- Music: Ierusalim By Roman on Free Music Archive CC BY 4.0
- PhysX Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved
- FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.
- ImGUI The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Omar Cornut
- SDL2 zlib license
- Click 'Open a local folder'
- Select/open CPSC-585
- If VS prompts about CMake Integration then enable it and set the source directory to be CPSC-585/src/engine/CMakeLists.txt (this is the top level CMake file)
- In the top bar of VS there should now be options to build "Windows x64 Debug" and "Windows x64 Release" and the executable will be named "libengine.exe"
- The project can now be built, run and installed
- install "Desktop Development with C++" in the visual studio installer (it provides
) - open powershell and cd to the root directory of the project
- run the command
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
(still in powershell in the root dir) - run the command
in powershell (still in powershell in the root dir) - setup your IDE to run with the project. (if not using IDE, I'd recommend just using the commands from the
scripts manually)
- Install "Desktop Development with C++" in the visual studio installer (for cmake) if you haven't already
- It will ask which cmake thing to use, use <project_root>/code/CMakeLists.txt
- Everything should build for you wooooo lmk if there's an issue
- To run, use the green button dropdown to find
or someth it'll work I think
- see the IDE integration section here:
- the project consists of an 'include' folder that contains headers for functions accessable from outside the engine, any engine only headers should be put in the appropiate system folder.
- each system folder contains the files for performing a defined system in the engine as well as a CMakeLists file to describe what is needed to compile that system.
- Builds and installs are located in the 'out' folder which is generated with the first build performed
- Client contains the vast majority of game specific logic and assets